ExampleSaveAscii v1


ExampleSaveAscii dialog.


Name Direction Type Default Description
OutputFilename Input string default_output.txt Allowed values: [‘txt’]
InputWorkspace Input Workspace Mandatory Documentation for this property


This example python algorithm saves a workspace to file in ascii format. The algorithm exists for demonstration purposes only; ordinarily SaveAscii should be used instead.

Inputs are a filename and a workspace. The output is a file in the default save directory with the input filename and containing data from the input workspace in ascii format. Bin centers, rather than bin boundaries, are saved.


Example - save example workspace:

# Load sample workspace
temp_ws_ = CreateSampleWorkspace()

# Use algorithm to save workspace
filename = 'ExSaveAsciiFile.txt'
ExampleSaveAscii(temp_ws_, filename)

# Get the default save path
workdir = config['defaultsave.directory']
filepath = os.path.join(workdir, filename)

# Read and print first 3 lines from file
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
    print f.readline()[:-1]
    print f.readline()[:-1]
    print f.readline()[:-1]

# Delete the test file


# Time-of-flight , Spectrum , E

Categories: Algorithms | PythonAlgorithms