ExportTimeSeriesLog v1


ExportTimeSeriesLog dialog.


Read a TimeSeries log and return information


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace InOut MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Name of input Matrix workspace containing the log to export.
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Dummy Name of the workspace containing the log events in Export.
LogName Input string   Log’s name to filter events.
NumberEntriesExport Input number Optional Number of entries of the log to be exported. Default is all entries.
IsEventWorkspace Input boolean True If set to true, output workspace is EventWorkspace. Otherwise, it is Workspace2D.


Export a sample log, which is of type TimeSeriesProperty, in a Workspace to a MatrixWorkspace.

Output TimeSeries Log As Events

The log values can be exported as a set of events. Each entry in the time series log will be converted to an event, , whose TOF are the log times. It is helpful if the log series has large number of entries. User should rebin the EventWorkspace afterwards.


Example - export a float series to a MatrixWorkspace of type Workspace2D:

# Load data
dataws = LoadNexusProcessed(Filename="PG3_2538_2k.nxs")

# Create a new log
import mantid.kernel as mk
testprop = mk.FloatTimeSeriesProperty("Temp")

import random
for i in xrange(60):
    randsec = random.randint(0, 59)
    randval = random.random()*100.
    timetemp = mk.DateAndTime("2012-01-01T00:%d:%d"%(i, randsec))
    testprop.addValue(timetemp, randval)
dataws.run().addProperty("Temp", testprop, True)

# Run algorithm
propws = ExportTimeSeriesLog(InputWorkspace=dataws, LogName="Temp", IsEventWorkspace=False)

# Check
print "Length of X = %d, Length of Y = %d." % (len(propws.readX(0)), len(propws.readY(0)))
print "X[0]  = %.1f, Y[0]  = %.5f" % (propws.readX(0)[0], propws.readY(0)[0])
print "X[20] = %.1f, Y[20] = %.5f" % (propws.readX(0)[20], propws.readY(0)[20])
print "X[40] = %.1f, Y[40] = %.5f" % (propws.readX(0)[40], propws.readY(0)[40])


Length of X = 60, Length of Y = 60.
X[0]  = 26089826.0, Y[0]  = 42.88891
X[20] = 26091001.0, Y[20] = 22.42990
X[40] = 26092226.0, Y[40] = 39.05869

Example - export a float series to a EventWorkspace:

# Load data
import mantid.kernel as mk
dataws = LoadNexusProcessed(Filename="PG3_2538_2k.nxs")

# Create a new log
testprop = mk.FloatTimeSeriesProperty("Temp")

import random
for i in xrange(60):
    randsec = random.randint(0, 59)
    randval = random.random()*100.
    timetemp = mk.DateAndTime("2012-01-01T00:%d:%d"%(i, randsec))
    testprop.addValue(timetemp, randval)
dataws.run().addProperty("Temp", testprop, True)

# Run algorithm
propws = ExportTimeSeriesLog(InputWorkspace=dataws, LogName="Temp", NumberEntriesExport=40, IsEventWorkspace=True)

# Check
print "Length of X = %d, Length of Y = %d." % (len(propws.readX(0)), len(propws.readY(0)))
print "X[0]  = %.1f, Y[0]  = %.5f" % (propws.readX(0)[0], propws.readY(0)[0])
print "Number of events = %d" % (propws.getNumberEvents())


Length of X = 2, Length of Y = 1.
X[0]  = 26089826000000.0, Y[0]  = 1702.58055
Number of events = 40

Categories: Algorithms | Diffraction | Events | EventFiltering