ILLIN16BCalibration v1


ILLIN16BCalibration dialog.


Creates a calibration workspace in energy trnasfer for IN16B.


Name Direction Type Default Description
Run Input string Mandatory Comma separated list of input files
MirrorMode Input boolean False Data uses mirror mode
MapFile Input string   Comma separated list of input files. Allowed values: [‘xml’]
PeakRange Input dbl list 0,100 Peak range in energy transfer
ScaleFactor Input number 1 Intensity scaling factor
OutputWorkspace Output Workspace Mandatory Output workspace for calibration data


A workflow algorithm to generate a calibration workspace for the IN16B spectrometer at the ILL.

This first reduces the data using the IndirectILLReduction algorithm and then integrates each spectrum within the peak range.


Example - Creating a calibration workspace

calibration_ws = ILLIN16BCalibration(Run='ILLIN16B_034745.nxs',

print 'Calibration workspace has %d spectra and %d bin(s)' % (
       calibration_ws.getNumberHistograms(), calibration_ws.blocksize())


Calibration workspace has 24 spectra and 1 bin(s)

Categories: Algorithms | Workflow | Inelastic | PythonAlgorithms | Inelastic