ISISIndirectEnergyTransfer v1


ISISIndirectEnergyTransfer dialog.


Runs an energy transfer reduction for an inelastic indirect geometry instrument.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputFiles Input str list   Comma separated list of input files
SumFiles Input boolean False Toggle input file summing or sequential processing
LoadLogFiles Input boolean True Load log files when loading runs
CalibrationWorkspace Input Workspace   Workspace contining calibration data
Instrument Input string Mandatory Instrument used during run. Allowed values: [‘IRIS’, ‘OSIRIS’, ‘TOSCA’, ‘TFXA’]
Analyser Input string Mandatory Analyser bank used during run. Allowed values: [‘graphite’, ‘mica’, ‘fmica’]
Reflection Input string Mandatory Reflection number for instrument setup during run. Allowed values: [‘002’, ‘004’, ‘006’]
Efixed Input number Optional Overrides the default Efixed value for the analyser/reflection selection.
SpectraRange Input int list 0,1 Comma separated range of spectra number to use.
BackgroundRange Input dbl list   Range of background to subtact from raw data in time of flight.
RebinString Input string   Rebin string parameters.
DetailedBalance Input number Optional  
ScaleFactor Input number 1 Factor by which to scale result.
FoldMultipleFrames Input boolean True Folds multiple framed data sets into a single workspace.
GroupingMethod Input string IPF Method used to group spectra. Allowed values: [‘Individual’, ‘All’, ‘File’, ‘Workspace’, ‘IPF’]
GroupingWorkspace Input Workspace   Workspace containing spectra grouping.
MapFile Input string   Workspace containing spectra grouping. Allowed extensions: [‘.map’]
UnitX Input string DeltaE X axis units for the result workspace. Allowed values: [‘DeltaE’, ‘DeltaE_inWavenumber’]
SaveFormats Input str list   Comma seperated list of save formats
Plot Input string None Type of plot to output after reduction. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Spectra’, ‘Contour’, ‘Both’]
OutputWorkspace Output WorkspaceGroup Mandatory Workspace group for the resulting workspaces.


Performs a reduction from raw time of flight to energy transfer for an inelastic indirect geometry instrument at ISIS.



To run these usage examples please first download the usage data, and add these to your path. In MantidPlot this is done using Manage User Directories.

Example - IRIS energy conversion

                           SpectraRange=[3, 53])

reduction_workspace_names = mtd['IndirectReductions'].getNames()

for workspace_name in reduction_workspace_names:
   print workspace_name



Categories: Algorithms | Workflow | Inelastic | PythonAlgorithms | Inelastic