LoadDiffCal v1


LoadDiffCal dialog.

Table of Contents


Loads a calibration file for powder diffraction


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   Optional: An input workspace with the instrument we want to use.
InstrumentName Input string   Optional: Name of the instrument to base the GroupingWorkspace on which to base the GroupingWorkspace.
InstrumentFilename Input string   Optional: Path to the instrument definition file on which to base the GroupingWorkspace. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
Filename Input string Mandatory Path to the .h5 file. Allowed extensions: [‘.h5’, ‘.hd5’, ‘.hdf’, ‘.cal’]
MakeGroupingWorkspace Input boolean True Set to true to create a GroupingWorkspace with called WorkspaceName_group.
MakeCalWorkspace Input boolean True Set to true to create a CalibrationWorkspace with called WorkspaceName_cal.
MakeMaskWorkspace Input boolean True Set to true to create a MaskWorkspace with called WorkspaceName_mask.
WorkspaceName Input string   The base of the output workspace names. Names will have ‘_group’, ‘_cal’, ‘_mask’ appended to them.


This algorithm loads a diffraction calibration workspace, MaskWorkspace, and GroupingWorkspace from a hdf5 file.

Categories: Algorithms | DataHandling | Diffraction


C++ source: LoadDiffCal.cpp

C++ header: LoadDiffCal.h