Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
Filename | Input | string | Mandatory | The name of the Nexus parameterization file to read, as a full or relative path. Allowed extensions: [‘.nxs’, ‘.nx5’, ‘.xml’] |
OutputWorkspace | Output | TableWorkspace | savuTomoConfig | The name of the workspace to be created as output of the algorithm, a workspace with this name will be created and stored in the Analysis Data Service. |
This algorithm reads a tomographic reconstruction parameterization (configuration) file and stores the configuration in a TableWorkspace. The file is expected to follow the format used in the savu tomography reconstruction pipeline These files specify a sequence of plugins to be used for tomographic reconstruction. For each plugin four fields are given in this order: id, parameters, name, and cite. All fields are character strings. The parameters field is formatted as a JSON string of name,value pairs. The workspace produced has one row for every plugin found in the input file, and four columns of string type.
This algorithm is used by the IMAT tomography reconstruction interface (GUI) to load and display configurations that can then be edited and saved.
tws = LoadSavuTomoConfig("savu_test_data_process03.nxs", OutputWorkspace='savu_tomo_config')
print "Number of columns: %d" % tws.columnCount()
print "Number of rows / processing plugins: %d" % tws.rowCount()
print "Cell 0,0: %s" % tws.cell(0,0)
print "Cell 0,1: %s" % tws.cell(0,1)
print "Cell 0,2: %s" % tws.cell(0,2)
print "Cell 0,3: %s" % tws.cell(0,3)
print "Cell 1,0: %s" % tws.cell(1,0)
print "Cell 1,1: %s" % tws.cell(1,1)
print "Cell 1,2: %s" % tws.cell(1,2)
print "Cell 1,3: %s" % tws.cell(1,3)
print "Cell 2,0: %s" % tws.cell(2,0)
print "Cell 2,1: %s" % tws.cell(2,1)
print "Cell 2,2: %s" % tws.cell(2,2)
print "Cell 2,3: %s" % tws.cell(2,3)
Number of columns: 4
Number of rows / processing plugins: 3
Cell 0,0: savu.plugins.timeseries_field_corrections
Cell 0,1: {}
Cell 0,2: Timeseries Field Corrections
Cell 0,3: Not available
Cell 1,0: savu.plugins.median_filter
Cell 1,1: {"kernel_size": [1, 3, 3]}
Cell 1,2: Median Filter
Cell 1,3: Not available
Cell 2,0: savu.plugins.simple_recon
Cell 2,1: {"center_of_rotation": 86}
Cell 2,2: Simple Reconstruction
Cell 2,3: Not available
Categories: Algorithms | DataHandling | Tomography