RefReduction v1


RefReduction dialog.

Table of Contents


Data reduction for reflectometry.


Name Direction Type Default Description
DataRun Input string   Run number of the data set to be reduced
SignalPeakPixelRange Input int list   Pixel range for the signal peak
SubtractSignalBackground Input boolean False If true, the background will be subtracted from the signal peak
SignalBackgroundPixelRange Input int list   Pixel range for background around the signal peak
CropLowResDataAxis Input boolean False If true, the low-resolution pixel range will be limited to the range given by the LowResDataAxisPixelRange property
LowResDataAxisPixelRange Input int list   Pixel range for the signal peak in the low-res direction
PerformNormalization Input boolean True If true, the normalization will be performed
NormalizationRun Input string   Run number of the normalization data set
NormPeakPixelRange Input int list   Pixel range for the normalization peak
SubtractNormBackground Input boolean False It true, the background will be subtracted from the normalization peak
NormBackgroundPixelRange Input int list   Pixel range for background around the normalization peak
CropLowResNormAxis Input boolean False If true, the low-resolution pixel range will be limited to be the range given by the LowResNormAxisPixelRange property
LowResNormAxisPixelRange Input int list   Pixel range for the normalization peak in the low-res direction
Theta Input number Optional Scattering angle (takes precedence over meta data)
TOFMin Input number Optional Minimum TOF cut
TOFMax Input number Optional Maximum TOF cut
TOFStep Input number 400 Step size of TOF histogram
NBins Input number Optional Number of bins in TOF histogram (takes precedence over TOFStep if given)
ReflectivityPixel Input number Optional  
DetectorAngle Input number Optional  
DetectorAngle0 Input number Optional  
DirectPixel Input number Optional  
PolarizedData Input boolean True If true, the algorithm will look for polarization states in the data set
AngleOffset Input number Optional Scattering angle offset in degrees
Instrument Input string REF_M Instrument to reduce for. Allowed values: [‘REF_L’, ‘REF_M’]
OutputWorkspacePrefix Input string reflectivity Prefix to give the output workspaces
OutputMessage Output string    


Reflectivity reduction workflow. This workflow algorithm computes the specular and off-specular reflectivity for both REFM and REFL instruments.

Categories: Algorithms | Workflow | Reflectometry


C++ source: RefReduction.cpp

C++ header: RefReduction.h