RenameWorkspace v1


RenameWorkspace dialog.


Rename the Workspace.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input Workspace Mandatory  
OutputWorkspace Output Workspace Mandatory  


Renames a workspace to a different name in the data service. If the same name is provided for input and output then the algorithm will fail with an error. The Renaming is implemented as a removal of the original workspace from the data service and re-addition under the new name.

If run on a group workspace, the members of the group will be renamed if their names follow the pattern groupName_1, groupName_2, etc. (they will be renamed to newName_1, newname_2, etc.). Otherwise, only the group itself will be renamed - the members will keep their previous names.




print "myWs name:",
print "myWs exists in Mantid?", mtd.doesExist(

newNameWs = RenameWorkspace(myWs)

print "newNameWs name:",
print "newNameWs exists in Mantid?", mtd.doesExist(

print "As myWs is just a refence to the workspace it now refers to the workspace with the new name"
print "myWs name:",
print "Does 'myWs' exist in Mantid?", mtd.doesExist("myWs")


myWs name: myWs
myWs exists in Mantid? True
newNameWs name: newNameWs
newNameWs exists in Mantid? True
As myWs is just a refence to the workspace it now refers to the workspace with the new name
myWs name: newNameWs
Does 'myWs' exist in Mantid? False

Categories: Algorithms | Utility | Workspaces