SANSSolidAngleCorrection v1


SANSSolidAngleCorrection dialog.

Table of Contents


Performs solid angle correction on SANS 2D data.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory  
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory  
DetectorTubes Input boolean False If true, the algorithm will assume that the detectors are tubes in the Y direction.
OutputMessage Output string    
ReductionProperties Input string __sans_reduction_properties  


Performs a solid angle correction on all detector pixels. This algorithm is usually called by SANSReduction or HFIRSANSReduction.

The solid angle correction is applied as follows:



If DetectorTubes is set to True, the angle 2\theta will be replaced by the angle between the Z-axis and the projection of the sample-to-pixel vector on the plane defined by the beam (Z) axis and the Y-axis.

Categories: Algorithms | Workflow | SANS | UsesPropertyManager | CorrectionFunctions | InstrumentCorrections