Table of Contents
Saves a focused data set (usually the output of a diffraction focusing routine but not exclusively) into a three column format containing X_i, Y_i, and E_i.
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | The name of the workspace containing the data you wish to save |
Filename | Input | string | Mandatory | The filename to use when saving data |
SplitFiles | Input | boolean | True | Save each spectrum in a different file (default true) |
StartAtBankNumber | Input | number | 0 | Start bank (spectrum) numbers at this number in the file. The bank number in the file will be the workspace index + StartAtBankNumber. |
Append | Input | boolean | False | If true and Filename already exists, append, else overwrite |
IncludeHeader | Input | boolean | True | Whether to include the header lines (default: true) |
Format | Input | string | XYE | A type of the header: XYE (default) or MAUD. Allowed values: [‘XYE’, ‘MAUD’, ‘TOPAS’] |
This algorithm outputs the data in ASCII as a 3 column X, Y ,E format for use in subsequent analysis by other programs. The output files can be read for example into FullProf with format instrument=10.
For data where the focusing routine has generated several spectra (for example, multi-bank instruments), the option is provided for saving all spectra into a single file, separated by headers, or into several files that will be named “workspaceName-“+spectra_number
Fullprof expects the data to be in TOF, however at present the DiffractionFocussing v2 algorithm in Mantid leaves the data in d-spacing.
If the written file is to be loaded into TOPAS, then headers should be omitted (set the IncludeHeader property to false);
Example - a basic example using SaveFocusedXYE.
import os
ws = CreateSampleWorkspace()
ws = ExtractSingleSpectrum(ws, 0)
file_name = "myworkspace.ascii"
path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "myworkspace.ascii")
SaveFocusedXYE(ws, path)
path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "myworkspace-0.ascii")
print os.path.isfile(path)
Example - an example using SaveFocusedXYE with additional options.
import os
ws = CreateSampleWorkspace()
ws = CropWorkspace(ws, StartWorkspaceIndex=0, EndWorkspaceIndex=4)
file_name = "myworkspace.ascii"
path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), file_name)
SaveFocusedXYE(ws, path, SplitFiles=False, IncludeHeader=True, Format='MAUD')
print os.path.isfile(path)
Categories: Algorithms | Diffraction | DataHandling | Text