Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | PeaksWorkspace | Mandatory | An input PeaksWorkspace. |
Filename | Input | string | Mandatory | Select the directory and base name for the output files. |
ScalePeaks | Input | number | 1 | Multiply FSQ and sig(FSQ) by scaleFactor |
MinDSpacing | Input | number | 0 | Minimum d-spacing (Angstroms) |
MinWavelength | Input | number | 0 | Minimum wavelength (Angstroms) |
MaxWavelength | Input | number | Optional | Maximum wavelength (Angstroms) |
SortFilesBy | Input | string | Bank | Sort into files by bank(default), run number or both. Allowed values: [‘Bank’, ‘RunNumber’, ‘Both Bank and RunNumber’] |
MinIsigI | Input | number | Optional | The minimum I/sig(I) ratio |
WidthBorder | Input | number | Optional | Width of border of detectors |
MinIntensity | Input | number | Optional | The minimum Intensity |
Provide input files for the program LAUENORM which is used to perform a wavelength normalisation for Laue data using symmetry equivalent reflections measured at different wavelengths.
Unit 21 LAUE001 Input Laue data file. This is normally a card image file with one record per reflection (unmerged, unsorted data) containing the items: h k l lambda theta intensity and sig(intensity) in format (3I5,2F10.5,2I10).
Unit 22 LAUE002
Unit 23 LAUE003
Example - a simple example of running SaveLauenorm.
import os
prefix = os.path.expanduser("~/MyPeaks")
#load a peaks workspace from file
peaks = LoadIsawPeaks(Filename=r'Peaks5637.integrate')
SaveLauenorm(InputWorkspace=peaks, Filename=prefix)
firstfile = prefix + "001"
print "File was saved:", os.path.isfile(firstfile)
File was saved: True
Example - an example of running SaveLauenorm with sorting and filtering options.
import os
#load a peaks workspace from file
peaks = LoadIsawPeaks(Filename=r'Peaks5637.integrate')
print "Number of peaks in table %d" % peaks.rowCount()
prefix = os.path.expanduser("~/MyPeaks")
SaveLauenorm(InputWorkspace=peaks, Filename=prefix, MinWavelength=0.5, MaxWavelength=2,MinDSpacing=0.2, SortFilesBy='Bank')
finalfile = prefix + "009"
ifile = open(finalfile, 'r')
lines = ifile.readlines()
print "Number of peaks in table %d" % len(lines)
Number of peaks in table 434
Number of peaks in table 23
Categories: Algorithms | Crystal | DataHandling | Text