Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspaces | Input | str list | Mandatory | The names of the table workspaces containing plugin information. |
Filename | Input | string | Mandatory | The name of the tomographic config file to write, as a full or relative path. This will overwrite existing files. Allowed extensions: [‘.nxs’] |
This algorithm writes a file with tomographic reconstruction parameterization (configuration) file using the format of the savu tomography reconstruction pipeline ( The parameters are taken from a list of TableWorkspace workspaces. The data in every workspace is expected to have four columns, with each row specifying one plugin. For every plugin four character string attributes (four columns) must be given, in this order: id, parameters (JSON string of name-value pairs), name, and cite (citation information about plugin documentation and authors).
This algorithm is used by the IMAT tomography reconstruction interface (GUI) to save configuration files that can then be used to run tomography reconstruction jobs using the savu pipeline.
import os.path
tws_name = 'saveSavuTomoTest'
tws = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=tws_name)
tws.addColumn('str', 'ID')
tws.addColumn('str', 'Parameters')
tws.addColumn('str', 'Name')
tws.addColumn('str', 'Cite')
tws.addRow(['savu.id1', '{"param11": val1', 'plugin name1', 'cite info1'])
tws.addRow(['savu.id2', '{"param21": val2', 'plugin name2', 'cite info2'])
print "Columns: %d" % tws.columnCount()
print "Rows: %d" % tws.rowCount()
out_fname = 'saveSavuTomoTest.nxs'
SaveSavuTomoConfig(Filename=out_fname, InputWorkspaces='saveSavuTomoTest')
res = os.path.isfile(out_fname)
print "Save result: ", res
Columns: 4
Rows: 2
Save result: True
Categories: Algorithms | DataHandling | Tomography