SetSampleMaterial v1


SetSampleMaterial dialog.


Sets the neutrons information in the sample.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace InOut Workspace Mandatory The workspace with which to associate the sample
ChemicalFormula Input string   ChemicalFormula or AtomicNumber must be given.
AtomicNumber Input number 0 ChemicalFormula or AtomicNumber must be given
MassNumber Input number 0 Mass number if ion (default is 0)
SampleNumberDensity Input number Optional Optional: This number density of the sample in number of formulas per cubic angstrom will be used instead of calculated
ZParameter Input number Optional Number of formula units in unit cell
UnitCellVolume Input number Optional Unit cell volume in Angstoms^3. Will be calculated from the OrientedLattice if not supplied.
CoherentXSection Input number Optional Optional: This coherent cross-section for the sample material in barns will be used instead of tabulated
IncoherentXSection Input number Optional Optional: This incoherent cross-section for the sample material in barns will be used instead of tabulated
AttenuationXSection Input number Optional Optional: This absorption cross-section for the sample material in barns will be used instead of tabulated
ScatteringXSection Input number Optional Optional: This total scattering cross-section (coherent + incoherent) for the sample material in barns will be used instead of tabulated
SampleNumberDensityResult Output number   The provided or calculated sample number density in atoms/Angstrom^3
ReferenceWavelength Output number   The reference wavelength in Angstroms
TotalXSectionResult Output number   The provided or calculated total cross-section for the sample material in barns.
IncoherentXSectionResult Output number   The provided or calculated incoherent cross-section for the sample material in barns.
CoherentXSectionResult Output number   The provided or calculated coherent cross-section for the sample material in barns.
AbsorptionXSectionResult Output number   The provided or calculated Absorption cross-section for the sample material in barns.
bAverage Output number   The calculated average scattering length, <b>, for the sample material in barns.
bSquaredAverage Output number   The calculated average scattering length squared, <b^2>, for the sample material in barns.
NormalizedLaue Output number   The (unitless) normalized Laue diffuse scattering, L.


Sets the neutrons information in the sample. You can either enter details about the chemical formula or atomic number, or you can provide specific values for the attenuation and scattering cross sections and the sample number density. If you decide to provide specific values you must give values for all three (attenuation and scattering cross sections and the sample number density), and any formula information will be ignored. If you miss any of the three specific values then the other will be ignored.

Neutron scattering lengths and cross sections of the elements and their isotopes have been taken from NIST.

Chemical Composition with Examples

  • H2 O - Isotopically averaged Hydrogen
  • (H2)2 O - Heavy water
  • D2 O - Another way to specify heavy water

Enter a composition as a molecular formula of elements or isotopes. For example, basic elements might be H, Fe or Si, etc. A molecular formula of elements might be H4-N2-C3, which corresponds to a molecule with 4 Hydrogen atoms, 2 Nitrogen atoms and 3 Carbon atoms. Each element in a molecular formula is followed by the number of the atoms for that element, specified without a hyphen, because each element is separated from other elements using a hyphen. The number of atoms can be integer or float, but must start with a digit, e.g. 0.6 is fine but .6 is not. Isotopes may also be included in a material composition, and can be specified alone (as in Li7), or in a molecular formula (as in (Li7)2-C-H4-N-Cl6). Note, however, that No Spaces or Hyphens are allowed in an isotope symbol specification. Also Note that for isotopes specified in a molecular expression, the isotope must be enclosed by parenthesis, except for two special cases, D and T, which stand for H2 and H3, respectively.

Cross Section Calculations

Each of the cross sections (\sigma) are calculated according to

\sigma = \frac{1}{N_{atoms}}\sum_{i}\sigma_{i}n_{i}

where N_{atoms} = \sum_{i}n_{i}. A concrete example for the total cross section of D2 O

\sigma = \frac{1}{2+1}\left( 7.64*2 + 4.232*1\right) = 6.504\ barns

Number Density

The number density is defined as

\rho_n = \frac{N_{atoms}ZParameter}{UnitCellVolume}

It can can be generated in one of two ways:

  1. Specifying it directly with SampleNumberDensity
  2. Specifying the ZParameter and the UnitCellVolume (or letting the algorithm calculate it from the OrientedLattice on the InputWorkspace).

Linear Absorption Coefficients

\mu_s = \rho_n \frac{1}{N_{atoms}}\sum_{i}s_{i}n_{i} \text{ units of 1/cm}

s = \sigma_{total scattering}

\mu_a = \rho_n \frac{1}{N_{atoms}}\sum_{i}a_{i}n_{i} \text{ units of 1/cm}

a = \sigma_{absorption} (\lambda=1.8)

A detailed version of this is found in [2].


The data used in this algorithm comes from the following paper.

  1. Varley F. Sears, Neutron scattering lengths and cross sections, Neutron News 3:3 (1992) 26 doi: 10.1080/10448639208218770
  2. J. A. K. Howard, O. Johnson, A. J. Schultz and A. M. Stringer, Determination of the neutron absorption cross section for hydrogen as a function of wavelength with a pulsed neutron source, J. Appl. Cryst. (1987). 20, 120-122 doi: 10.1107/S0021889887087028

Categories: Algorithms | Sample | DataHandling