StatisticsOfPeaksWorkspace v1


StatisticsOfPeaksWorkspace dialog.


Statistics of a PeaksWorkspace.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input PeaksWorkspace Mandatory An input PeaksWorkspace with an instrument.
PointGroup Input string -1 (Triclinic) Which point group applies to this crystal? Allowed values: [‘-1 (Triclinic)’, ‘-3 (Trigonal - Hexagonal)’, ‘-3 r (Trigonal - Rhombohedral)’, ‘-31m (Trigonal - Hexagonal)’, ‘-3m (Trigonal - Hexagonal)’, ‘-3m r (Trigonal - Rhombohedral)’, ‘-3m1 (Trigonal - Hexagonal)’, ‘-4 (Tetragonal)’, ‘-42m (Tetragonal)’, ‘-43m (Cubic)’, ‘-4m2 (Tetragonal)’, ‘-6 (Hexagonal)’, ‘-62m (Hexagonal)’, ‘-6m2 (Hexagonal)’, ‘1 (Triclinic)’, ‘112/m (Monoclinic, unique axis c)’, ‘2 (Monoclinic, unique axis b)’, ‘2/m (Monoclinic, unique axis b)’, ‘222 (Orthorombic)’, ‘23 (Cubic)’, ‘3 (Trigonal - Hexagonal)’, ‘3 r (Trigonal - Rhombohedral)’, ‘312 (Trigonal - Hexagonal)’, ‘31m (Trigonal - Hexagonal)’, ‘32 (Trigonal - Hexagonal)’, ‘32 r (Trigonal - Rhombohedral)’, ‘321 (Trigonal - Hexagonal)’, ‘3m (Trigonal - Hexagonal)’, ‘3m r (Trigonal - Rhombohedral)’, ‘3m1 (Trigonal - Hexagonal)’, ‘4 (Tetragonal)’, ‘4/m (Tetragonal)’, ‘4/mmm (Tetragonal)’, ‘422 (Tetragonal)’, ‘432 (Cubic)’, ‘4mm (Tetragonal)’, ‘6 (Hexagonal)’, ‘6/m (Hexagonal)’, ‘6/mmm (Hexagonal)’, ‘622 (Hexagonal)’, ‘6mm (Hexagonal)’, ‘m (Monoclinic, unique axis b)’, ‘m-3 (Cubic)’, ‘m-3m (Cubic)’, ‘mm2 (Orthorombic)’, ‘mmm (Orthorombic)’]
OutputWorkspace Output PeaksWorkspace   Output PeaksWorkspace
StatisticsTable Output TableWorkspace StatisticsTable An output table workspace for the statistics of the peaks.
SortBy Input string ResolutionShell Sort the peaks by bank, run number(default) or only overall statistics. Allowed values: [‘ResolutionShell’, ‘Bank’, ‘RunNumber’, ‘Overall’]


Statistics of the Peaks Workspaces are calculated for all peaks and by default for resolution shell. There is a SortBy option to change this to by orientation (RunNumber) or by Anger camera (bank) or only do all peaks.

Statistics include:
No of Unique Reflections Resolution range Multiplicity Mean ((I)/sd(I)) Rmerge Rplm Data Completeness


Example - an example of running StatisticsOfPeaksWorkspace with PointGroup option.

#load a peaks workspace from file
peaks = LoadIsawPeaks(Filename=r'Peaks5637.integrate')
peak = peaks.getPeak(0)
print "HKL of first peak in table %d" % peak.getH(),peak.getK(),peak.getL()

pw,stats = StatisticsOfPeaksWorkspace(InputWorkspace=peaks, PointGroup='-31m (Trigonal - Hexagonal)', SortBy="Overall")
peak = pw.getPeak(0)
print "HKL of first peak in table %d" % peak.getH(),peak.getK(),peak.getL()
print "Rmerge = %.9f" % stats.row(0)['Rmerge']
print "Multiplicity = %.9f" % stats.row(0)['Multiplicity']
print "Resolution Min = %.9f" % stats.row(0)['Resolution Min']
print "No. of Unique Reflections = %i" % stats.row(0)['No. of Unique Reflections']
print "Mean ((I)/sd(I)) = %.9f" % stats.row(0)['Mean ((I)/sd(I))']
print "Resolution Max = %.9f" % stats.row(0)['Resolution Max']
print "Rpim = %.9f" % stats.row(0)['Rpim']


HKL of first peak in table 1 4.0 -9.0
HKL of first peak in table -10 3.0 -40.0
Rmerge = 0.031365010
Multiplicity = 1.012437811
Resolution Min = 0.295741000
No. of Unique Reflections = 403
Mean ((I)/sd(I)) = 27.507261668
Resolution Max = 3.166076000
Rpim = 0.031365010

Categories: Algorithms | Crystal | DataHandling | Text