Table of Contents
This algorithm calculates the detector efficiency according the formula set in the instrument definition file/parameters.
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | The workspace to correct for detector efficiency |
OutputWorkspace | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | The name of the workspace in which to store the result. |
IncidentEnergy | Input | number | Optional | The energy of neutrons leaving the source. |
This algorithm will correct detector efficiency according to the ILL INX program for time-of-flight data reduction.
A formula named “formula_eff” must be defined in the instrument parameters file. The input workspace must be in DeltaE units.
The output data will be corrected as:
where is
The function is defined as “formula_eff” in the IDF. To date
this has been implemented at the ILL for ILL IN4, IN5 and IN6.
Example - A sample correction
# a sample workspace with a sample instrument
ws = CreateSampleWorkspace()
# convert to Wavelength
ws = ConvertUnits(ws,"DeltaE",EMode="Direct",EFixed=3.27)
correction_formula = "exp(-0.0565/sqrt(e))*(1.0-exp(-3.284/sqrt(e)))"
#Now we are ready to run the correction
wsCorrected = DetectorEfficiencyCorUser(ws)
print ("The correction correct the data by the user defined function.")
print ("In this case: " + correction_formula)
for i in range(0,wsCorrected.blocksize(),10):
print ("The correct value in bin %i is %.2f compared to %.2f" % (i,wsCorrected.readY(0)[i],ws.readY(0)[i]))
The correction correct the data by the user defined function.
In this case: exp(-0.0565/sqrt(e))*(1.0-exp(-3.284/sqrt(e)))
The correct value in bin 0 is 5.53 compared to 0.30
The correct value in bin 10 is 0.53 compared to 0.30
The correct value in bin 20 is 0.36 compared to 0.30
The correct value in bin 30 is 0.30 compared to 0.30
Categories: Algorithms | CorrectionFunctions\EfficiencyCorrections | Inelastic\Corrections