ERROR: No algorithm ‘LiquidsRelectometryReduction’ version ‘1’, skipping directive
ERROR: No algorithm ‘LiquidsRelectometryReduction’ version ‘1’, skipping directive
ERROR: No algorithm ‘LiquidsRelectometryReduction’ version ‘1’, skipping directive
ERROR: No algorithm ‘LiquidsRelectometryReduction’ version ‘1’, skipping directive
The workflow proceeds as follows:
- Load the data to be reduced.
- Crop to the specified TOF range.
- Subtract the background and integrate over the low-resolution axis.
- Normalize by the integrated current.
- Crop to the reflectivity peak using the specified range.
- Repeat steps 1 to 6 for the direct beam normalization run.
- Sum up the pixels contained in the peak of the normalization run to
obtain a TOF distribution.
- Divide the TOF distribution of each signal pixel by the normalization distribution.
- Apply the scaling factor.
- Sum up the pixels within the reflectivity peak of the data.
- Convert to Q.
- Rebin the Q axis to the specified binning and crop out the first and last Q point.
ERROR: No algorithm ‘LiquidsRelectometryReduction’ version ‘1’, skipping directive
ERROR: No algorithm ‘LiquidsRelectometryReduction’ version ‘1’, skipping directive