LoadCanSAS1D v2


LoadCanSAS1D dialog.


Load a file written in the canSAS 1-D data format


Name Direction Type Default Description
Filename Input string Mandatory The name of the CanSAS1D file to load. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
OutputWorkspace Output Workspace Mandatory The name to use for the output workspace
LoadTransmission Input boolean False Load the transmission related data from the file if it is present (optional, default False).


Loads the given file, which should be in the CanSAS1d format specified by canSAS 1D Data Formats Working Group schema http://svn.smallangles.net/svn/canSAS/1dwg/trunk/cansas1d.xsd and creates output workspace. CANSAS has a Wiki page at http://www.smallangles.net/wgwiki/index.php/canSAS_Working_Groups

If the file contains mulitple SASentry elements a workspace group will be created and each SASentry will be one workspace in the group. Loading multiple SASdata elements is not supported.


Example - Save/Load “Roundtrip”

import os

# Create dummy workspace.
dataX = [0,1,2,3]
dataY = [9,5,7]
out_ws = CreateWorkspace(dataX, dataY, UnitX="MomentumTransfer")

file_path = os.path.join(config["defaultsave.directory"], "canSASData.xml")

# Do a "roundtrip" of the data.
SaveCanSAS1D(out_ws, file_path)
in_ws = LoadCanSAS1D(file_path)

print "Contents of the file = " + str(in_ws.readY(0)) + "."


Contents of the file = [ 9.  5.  7.].

Categories: Algorithms | DataHandling\XML | SANS\DataHandling


C++ source: LoadCanSAS1D2.cpp

C++ header: LoadCanSAS1D2.h