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LoadEventPreNexus is deprecated. Use LoadEventPreNexus version 2 instead.
Loads SNS raw neutron event data format and stores it in a workspace (EventWorkspace class).
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
EventFilename | Input | string | Mandatory | The name of the neutron event file to read, including its full or relative path. The file typically ends in neutron_event.dat (N.B. case sensitive if running on Linux). Allowed extensions: [‘event.dat’] |
PulseidFilename | Input | string | File containing the accelerator pulse information; the filename will be found automatically if not specified. Allowed extensions: [‘pulseid.dat’] | |
MappingFilename | Input | string | File containing the pixel mapping (DAS pixels to pixel IDs) file (typically INSTRUMENT_TS_YYYY_MM_DD.dat). The filename will be found automatically if not specified. Allowed extensions: [‘.dat’] | |
SpectrumList | Input | int list | A list of individual spectra (pixel IDs) to read, specified as e.g. 10:20. Only used if set. | |
ChunkNumber | Input | number | Optional | If loading the file by sections (‘chunks’), this is the section number of this execution of the algorithm. |
TotalChunks | Input | number | Optional | If loading the file by sections (‘chunks’), this is the total number of sections. |
UseParallelProcessing | Input | string | Auto | Use multiple cores for loading the data? Auto: Use serial loading for small data sets, parallel for large data sets. Serial: Use a single core. Parallel: Use all available cores. Allowed values: [‘Auto’, ‘Serial’, ‘Parallel’] |
OutputWorkspace | Output | IEventWorkspace | Mandatory | The name of the workspace that will be created, filled with the read-in data and stored in the [[Analysis Data Service]]. |
The LoadEventPreNeXus algorithm stores data from the pre-nexus neutron event data file in an EventWorkspace. The default histogram bin boundaries consist of a single bin able to hold all events (in all pixels), and will have their units set to time-of-flight. Since it is an EventWorkspace, it can be rebinned to finer bins with no loss of data.
Specific pulse ID and mapping files can be specified if needed; these are guessed at automatically from the neutron filename, if not specified.
Categories: Algorithms | DataHandling\PreNexus | Deprecated