Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputType | Input | string | File | Origin of data input - File (.nxs) or Workspace. Allowed values: [‘File’, ‘Workspace’] |
Instrument | Input | string | iris | Instrument. Allowed values: [‘irs’, ‘iris’, ‘osi’, ‘osiris’] |
Analyser | Input | string | graphite002 | Analyser & reflection. Allowed values: [‘graphite002’, ‘graphite004’] |
SamNumber | Input | string | Mandatory | Sample run number |
ResInputType | Input | string | File | Origin of res input - File (_res.nxs) or Workspace. Allowed values: [‘File’, ‘Workspace’] |
ResNumber | Input | string | Mandatory | Resolution run number |
ResNormInputType | Input | string | File | Origin of ResNorm input - File (_red.nxs) or Workspace. Allowed values: [‘File’, ‘Workspace’] |
ResNormNumber | Input | string | Mandatory | ResNorm run number |
ElasticOption | Input | boolean | True | Include elastic peak in fit |
BackgroundOption | Input | string | Sloping | Form of background to fit. Allowed values: [‘Sloping’, ‘Flat’, ‘Zero’] |
EnergyMin | Input | number | -0.5 | Minimum energy for fit. Default=-0.5 |
EnergyMax | Input | number | 0.5 | Maximum energy for fit. Default=0.5 |
SamBinning | Input | number | 1 | Binning value(integer) for sample. Default=1 |
NumberSigma | Input | number | 50 | Number of sigma values. Default=50 |
NumberBeta | Input | number | 30 | Number of beta values. Default=30 |
Sequence | Input | boolean | True | Switch Sequence Off/On |
Plot | Input | string | None | Plot options. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Sigma’, ‘Beta’, ‘All’] |
Verbose | Input | boolean | True | Switch Verbose Off/On |
Save | Input | boolean | False | Switch Save result to nxs file Off/On |
This is a variation of the stretched exponential option of
Quasi. For each spectrum a fit is performed
for a grid of and
values. The distribution of goodness of fit values
is plotted.
This routine was originally part of the MODES package. Note that this algorithm uses F2Py and is currently only supported on windows.
Example - a basic example using Quest to fit a reduced workspace.
sam = LoadNexusProcessed("irs26173_graphite002_red.nxs", OutputWorkspace='irs26173_graphite002_red')
res = LoadNexusProcessed("irs26173_graphite002_res.nxs", OutputWorkspace='irs26173_graphite002_res')
van = LoadNexusProcessed("irs26176_graphite002_red.nxs", OutputWorkspace='irs26176_graphite002_red')
ResNorm(VanNumber='26176', ResNumber='26173', InputType='File', ResInputType='File', Instrument='irs', Analyser='graphite002', Plot='None', Version=1)
Quest(SamNumber='26176', ResNumber='26173', ResNormNumber='26176', InputType='File', ResInputType='File', ResNormInputType='Workspace', Instrument='irs', Analyser='graphite002')
Categories: Algorithms | Workflow\MIDAS