
Properties (fitting parameters)

Name Default Description
height 0.1 Intensity at the origin
tau 100.0 Relaxation time of the standard exponential
beta 1.0 Stretching exponent
Origin 0.0 Origin of the peak


Provides the Fourier Transform of the Symmetrized Stretched Exponential Function

S(Q,E) = \mathcal{F}( height(Q) \cdot e^{-|\frac{x}{\tau(Q)}|^{\beta(Q)}} )

If the energy units of energy are micro-eV, then tau is expressed in pico-seconds. If E-units are micro-eV then tau is expressed in nano-seconds.



To run these usage examples please first download the usage data, and add these to your path. In MantidPlot this is done using Manage User Directories.

Example - Fit to a QENS signal:

The QENS signal is modeled by the convolution of a resolution function with elastic and StretchedExpFT components. Noise is modeled by a linear background:

$S(E) = R(E) otimes (alpha delta(E) + StretchedExpFT(E) + (a+bE)$

Obtaining an initial guess close to the optimal fit is critical. For this model, it is recommended to follow these steps: - In the Fit Function window of MantidPlot, construct the model. - Tie parameter height of StretchedExpFT to zero, then carry out the Fit. This will result in optimized elastic line and background. - Until parameter height of StretchedExpFT but tie parameter beta to 1.0, then carry out the fit. This will result in optimized model using an exponential. - Use the parameters of the previous fit as the initial guess.

# Load resolution function and scattered signal
resolution = LoadNexus(Filename="resolution_14955.nxs")
qens_data = LoadNexus(Filename="qens_data_14955.nxs")

# This function_string is obtained by constructing the model
# with the Fit Function window of MantidPlot, then
# Setup--> Manage Setup --> Copy to Clipboard
function_string  = "(composite=Convolution,FixResolution=true,NumDeriv=true;"
function_string += "name=TabulatedFunction,Workspace=resolution,WorkspaceIndex=0,Scaling=1,Shift=0,XScaling=1;"
function_string += "(name=DeltaFunction,Height=1,Centre=0;"
function_string += "name=StretchedExpFT,height=0.1,tau=100,beta=0.98,Origin=0));"
function_string += "name=LinearBackground,A0=0,A1=0"

# Carry out the fit. Produces workspaces  fit_results_Parameters,
#  fit_results_Workspace, and fit_results_NormalisedCovarianceMatrix.
   StartX=-0.15, EndX=0.15,

# Collect and print parameters for StrechtedExpFT
parameters_of_interest = ("tau", "beta")
values_found = {}
ws = mtd["fit_results_Parameters"]  # Workspace containing optimized parameters
for row_index in range(ws.rowCount()):
   full_parameter_name = ws.row(row_index)["Name"]
   for parameter in parameters_of_interest:
      if parameter in full_parameter_name:
         values_found[parameter] = ws.row(row_index)["Value"]
print "The optimal parameters are tau={0:4.1f} and beta={1:4.2f}"\
   .format(values_found["tau"], values_found["beta"])


The optimal parameters are tau=57.2 and beta=0.68

Categories: FitFunctions | QuasiElastic

