Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | An input workspace. |
NPoints | Input | number | 1000 | Number of points per output spectrum. |
OutputWorkspace | Output | Workspace | Mandatory | An output workspace. |
If a spectrum in the input workspace contains function then the corresponding spectrum in
the output workspace has its indefinite integral:
Example - IntegrateFlux
# Create an event workspace
ws = CreateSampleWorkspace("Event")
# Integrate all spectra.
wsOut = IntegrateFlux( ws )
# Print the result
print "The input workspace has %i spectra" % ws.getNumberHistograms()
print "The output workspace has %i spectra" % wsOut.getNumberHistograms()
The input workspace has 200 spectra
The output workspace has 200 spectra
Categories: Algorithms | MDAlgorithms\Normalisation