RenameWorkspace v1


RenameWorkspace dialog.


Rename the Workspace.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input Workspace Mandatory  
OutputWorkspace Output Workspace Mandatory  
RenameMonitors Input boolean False If true, and monitor workspace found attached to the source workspace, the monitors workspace is renamed too. The monitor workspace name is created from the new workspace name: NewWSName by adding the _monitors suffix (e.g.: NewWSName_monitors)


Renames a workspace to a different name in the data service. If the same name is provided for input and output then the algorithm will fail with an error. The Renaming is implemented as a removal of the original workspace from the data service and re-addition under the new name.

If run on a group workspace, the members of the group will be renamed if their names follow the pattern groupName_1, groupName_2, etc. (they will be renamed to newName_1, newname_2, etc.). Otherwise, only the group itself will be renamed - the members will keep their previous names.



mon_ws = CreateSampleWorkspace()
print "*********************************************************************"
print "{0:20}|{1:>20}|{2:>20}|".format("Existing WS names: ",,
obj_inADS = AnalysisDataService.getObjectNames()
print "{0:20}|{1:>6}| With Names: |{2:>20}|{3:>20}|".format("Exist in ADS: ",len(obj_inADS),obj_inADS[0],obj_inADS[1])
NameA = RenameWorkspace(myWs)
print "***** After simple rename:"
print "{0:20}|{1:>20}|{2:>20}|".format("Existing WS names: ",,
obj_inADS = AnalysisDataService.getObjectNames()
print "{0:20}|{1:>6}| With Names: |{2:>20}|{3:>20}|".format("Exist in ADS: ",len(obj_inADS),obj_inADS[0],obj_inADS[1])

print "Old pointer to myWs refers to workspace with new name: ",
print "*********************************************************************"
print "***** After renaming workspace and monitors workspace together:"
NameB = RenameWorkspace(myWs,RenameMonitors=True)
print "{0:20}|{1:>20}|{2:>20}|".format("Existing WS names: ",,
obj_inADS = AnalysisDataService.getObjectNames()
print "{0:20}|{1:>6}| With Names: |{2:>20}|{3:>20}|".format("Exist in ADS: ",len(obj_inADS),obj_inADS[0],obj_inADS[1])
mon_ws1 = NameB.getMonitorWorkspace()
print "The name of the monitor workspace attached to workspace:{0:>6}| Is:  {1:>10}|".\
print "*********************************************************************"


Existing WS names:  |                myWs|              mon_ws|
Exist in ADS:       |     2| With Names: |              mon_ws|                myWs|
***** After simple rename:
Existing WS names:  |               NameA|              mon_ws|
Exist in ADS:       |     2| With Names: |               NameA|              mon_ws|
Old pointer to myWs refers to workspace with new name:  NameA
***** After renaming workspace and monitors workspace together:
Existing WS names:  |               NameB|      NameB_monitors|
Exist in ADS:       |     2| With Names: |               NameB|      NameB_monitors|
The name of the monitor workspace attached to workspace: NameB| Is:  NameB_monitors|

Categories: Algorithms | Utility\Workspaces