Pearl Powder Diffraction Script


A wide variety of algorithms are available within Mantid for processing of data, writing results files, etc. These may be run interactively, one at a time, but in general scripting (using the Python scripting language) enables a series of algorithms to be called in a specific order to carry out more complex tasks, such as data normalisation and writing data files suitable for input to Rietveld refinement programmes (GSAS, FullProf, etc). The script used to process Pearl data have been integrated to Mantid which can be found inside the following directory on a Windows machine: ‘C:\MantidInstall\scripts\PearlPowderISIS’.

Further extensions can be expected for next releases as it is under active development and feedback is very much welcome. The sections below describes how the script can be ran and help user develop understanding of the script. By utilising this script it is assumed that the scientists/users at ISIS have permission to read and write from the network. Where `P:\` drive is linked to `\\britannic\Pearl\` and `X:\` drive is linked to `\\isis\inst$\NDXPEARL\Instrument`.

Run Requirement

A simple script is required to be ran inside the Scripting Window on mantid in order to carry out the data normalisation.

The script which is written inside Scripting Window on Mantid requires the following from the user (followed up with an example usage):

  • user name e.g: (‘Bull’)
  • cycle number e.g: (‘15_4’)
  • run number/s e.g: (‘92476_92479’)
  • fmode e.g: (‘trans’)
  • ttmode e.g: (‘TT70’)

If the following parameters are not passed, the default values are used instead.

  • ext e.g: (‘raw’, ‘s01’) - file extension, default is set as raw
  • atten e.g: (True or False) - whether use attentuation file, default is set as True
  • debug e.g: (True`or `False) - whether to use debug mode, default is set as False
  • optional: Attentuation file directory - if you would wish to use a different Attentuation file e.g: (‘P:\Mantid\Attentuation\PRL112_DC25_10MM_FF.OUT’)
  • optional: Output directory - only if you wish to write out the files to preferred directory/location instead of the Pearl network. e.g: (‘C:\Mantid\MantidOut\’)

Usage examples can be found under the Usage section.

File & Folders

The routines/script has been differentiated from the list of directories of calibration and raw files. The calibration directories can be found within ‘’, whereas the the raw directories can be found within ‘’.

You are not require to set calibration and raw files directory, unless you are utilising calibration files from your local machine. The script will automatically find the correct calibration files on the Pearl network according to the input run number, fmode and ttmode. All the calibration files can be found in ‘P:\Mantid\Calibration’, whereas all the Attenuation (.OUT) files can be found within the following directory ‘P:\Mantid\Attentuation’.

The output files by default will be written out to the following location: ‘P:\users\cycle number\user name’ e.g: ‘P:\users\Cycle_15_4\Bull\’, however a personalised output directory can be provided instead like explained in Run Requirement section.


Example 1 - General Script Utilised To Process Powder Diffraction With Pearl

import pearl_routines

# set up the user name and cycle number

# set up the directory to the attentuation file

# set up the run number/s, ext, fmode, ttmode, use attentuation file (True), do vanadium normalisation (True)
pearl_routines.PEARL_focus('92476_92479', ext='raw', fmode='trans', ttmode='TT70', atten=True, van_norm=True, debug=False)

Example 2 - Simplified Script Utilised To Process Powder Diffraction With Pearl

import pearl_routines

# default values used here for ext ('raw'), atten (True), van_norm (True) and debug (False)
# uses the default attentuation file within the script - 'PRL985_WC_HOYBIDE_NK_10MM_FF.OUT'
pearl_routines.PEARL_focus(86329, fmode='trans', ttmode='TT70')

Example 3 - Script Utilised To Process Powder Diffraction With Pearl In Debug Mode

import pearl_routines

# 's01' is being passed as an extension instead of 'raw' or `nxs`
pearl_routines.PEARL_focus(92475, 's01', fmode='trans', ttmode='TT70', atten=False, van_norm=True, debug=True)