Indirect Data Reduction
The Indirect Data Reduction interface provides the initial reduction that
is used to convert raw instrument data to S(Q, w) for analysis in the
Indirect Data Analysis and Indirect Bayes interfaces.
The tabs shown on this interface will vary depending on the current default
facility such that only tabs that will work with data from the facility are
shown, this page describes all the tabs which can possibly be shown.
- Instrument
- Used to select the instrument on which the data being reduced was created on.
- Analyser
- The analyser bank that was active when the experiment was run, or for which
you are interested in seeing the results of.
- Reflection
- The reflection number of the instrument setup.
If you need clarification as to the instrument setup you should use
please speak to the instrument scientist who dealt with your experiment.
This tab provides you with the functionality to convert the raw data from the
experiment run into units of
- Run Files
- Allows you to select the raw data files for an experiment. You can enter these
either by clicking on the Browse button and selecting them, or entering the run
numbers. Multiple files can be selected, multiple run numbers can be separated
by a comma (,) or a sequence can be specified by using a dash (-).
- Use Calib File & Calibration File
- Allows you to select a calibration file created using the Calibration tab.
- Sum Files
- If selected the data from each raw file will be summed and from then on
treated as a single run.
- Load Log Files
- If selected the sample logs will be laoded from each of the run files.
- Efixed
- This option allows you to override the default fixed final energy for the
analyser and reflection number setting. This can be useful in correcting an
offset peak caused by the sample being slightly out of centre.
- Grouping
- Provides option of how data should be grouped.
- Background Removal
- Allows removal of a background given a time-of-flight range.
- Plot Time
- Creates a time of flight plot of the grouping of the spectra in the range
defined in the Plot Time section, to include a single spectrum set the Spectra
Min and Spectra Max selectors to the same value. Note that this first rebins
the sample input to ensure that each detector spectrum has the same binning in
order to be grouped into a single spectrum.
- Detailed Balance
- Gives the option to perform an exponential correction on the data once it has
been converted to Energy based on the temperature.
- Scale
- Gives the option to scale the output by a given factor.
- Spectra Min & Spectra Max
- Selecte the range of detectors you are interested in, default values are
chosen based on the instrument and analyser bank selected.
- Rebin Steps
- Select the type of rebinning you wish to perform.
- Do Not Rebin
- If selected will disable the rebinning step.
- Plot Output
- Allows the result to be plotted as either a spectrum plot or contour plot.
- Fold Multiple Frames
- This option is only relevant for TOSCA. If checked, then multiple-framed data
will be folded back into a single spectra, if unchecked the frames wil lbe
left as is with the frame number given at the end of the workspace name.
- Output in

- Converts the units of the energy axis from
to wave number
- Select Save Formats
- Allows you to select multiple output save formats to save the reduced data as,
in all cases the file will be saved in the defaut save directory.
The following options are available for grouping output data:
- Default
- The data will be grouped according to the Workflow.GroupingMethod parameter in
the instrument’s parameter file. If this value is not set then Individual is
- Individual
- All detectors will remain on individual spectra.
- Groups
- The detectors will automatically be divided into a given number of gorups.
- All
- All detectors will be grouped into a single spectra.
- File
- Gives the option of supplying a grouping file to be used with the
GroupDetectors algorithm.
Rebinning can be done using either a single step or multiple steps as described
in the sections below.
In this mode only a single binning range is defined as a range and width.
In this mode multiple binning ranges can be defined using he rebin string syntax
used by the Rebin algorithm.
This tab handles the reduction of data from the IN16B instrument at the ILL.
This will output the raw (_raw) data read from the file and reduced (_red)
workspace by default, with mirror mode enabled you will also get the left
(_left) and right (_right) hand components of the data as separate
Note that when using a calibration workspace the grouping of the calibration
workspace must match that being used in the energy transfer reduction, i.e. both
processes use the same grouping file (or both use the default grouping).
- Input
- Used to select the raw data in .nxs format
- Calibration
- Gives the option of applying a calibration workspace or NeXus file created
with the ILL Calibration tab or ILLIN16BCalibration algorithm.
- Grouping
- Used to switch between grouping as per the IDF (Default) or grouping using a
mapping file (Map File).
- Use Mirror Mode
- Enable to reduce data that has been captured with mirror mode enabled.
- Plot
- If enabled will plot the result as a spectra plot.
- Save
- If enabled the result will be saved as a NeXus file in the default save
This tab gives you the ability to create Calibration and Resolution files.
The calibrtion file is normalised to an average of 1.
- Run No
- allows you to select a run for the function to use, either by selecting the
.raw file with the Browse button or through entering the number in the box.
- Plot Raw
- Updates the preview plots.
- Intensity Scale Factor
- Optionally applies a scale by a given factor to the raw input data.
- Verbose
- Enables outputting additional information to the Results Log.
- Plot
- If enabled will plot the result as a spectra plot.
- Save
- If enabled the result will be saved as a NeXus file in the default save
- Peak Min & Peak Max
- Selects the time-of-flight range corresponding to the peak. A default starting
value is generally provided from the instrument’s parameter file.
- Back Min & Back Max
- Selects the time-of-flight range corresponding to the background. A default
starting value is generally provided from the instrument’s parameter file.
- Create RES File
- If selected will create a resolution file when the tab is run.
- Smooth RES
- If selected the WienerSmooth algorithm will be
applied to the output of the resolution algorithm.
- Scale RES
- Optionally apply a scale by a given factor to the resolution output.
- Spectra Min & Spectra Max
- Allows restriction of the range of spectra used when creating the resolution
- Background Start & Background End
- Defines the time-of-flight range used to calculate the background noise.
- Low, Width & High
- Binning parameters used to rebin the resolution curve.
This tab is used to create calibration workspaces for the IN16B spectrometer at
the ILL using the ILLIN16BCalibration
- Grouping
- Used to switch between grouping as per the IDF (Default) or grouping using a
mapping file (Map File).
- Peak Range
- Sets the integreation range over the peak in

- Scale Factor
- Override the calculated scale factor
- Mirror Mode
- Enable of the data uses mirror mode
This tab allows you to perform an integration on a raw file over a specified
time of flight range, and is equivalent to the Slice functionality found in
- Input
- allows you to select a run for the function to use, either by selecting the
.raw file with the Browse button or through entering the number in the box.
Multiple files can be selected, in the same manner as described for the Energy
Transfer tab.
- Use Calibration
- Allows you to select either a calibrtion file or workspace to apply to the raw
- Preview Spectrum
- Allows selection of the spectrum to be shown in the preview plot to the right
of the Time Slice section.
- Spectra Min & Spectra Max
- Allows selection of the range of detectors you are interested in, this is
automatically set based on the instrument and analyser bank that are currently
- Peak
- The time-of-flight range that will be integrated over to give the result (the
blue range in the plot window). A default starting value is generally provided
from the instrument’s parameter file.
- Use Two Ranges
- If selected, enables subtraction of the background range.
- Background
- An optional range denoting background noice that is to be removed from the raw
data before the integration is performed. A default starting value is generally
provided from the instrument’s parameter file.
- Verbose
- Enables outputting additional information to the Results Log.
- Plot
- If enabled will plot the result as a spectra plot.
- Save
- If enabled the result will be saved as a NeXus file in the default save.
Calculates the sample transmission using the raw data files of the sample and
its background or container. The incident and transmission monitors are
converted to wavelength and the transmission monitor is normalised to the
incident monitor over the common wavelength range. The sample is then divided by
the background/container to give the sample transmission as a function of
- Sample
- Allows selection of a raw file or workspace to be used as the sample.
- Background
- Allows selection of a raw file or workspace to be used as the background.
- Verbose
- Enables outputting additional information to the Results Log.
- Plot
- If enabled will plot the result as a spectra plot.
- Save
- If enabled the result will be saved as a NeXus file in the default save.
Provides an interface for running the SofQW algorithms.
- Input
- Allows you to select a reduced NeXus file (_red.nxs) or workspace (_red) as the
input to the algorithm.
- Method
- Selects the SofQW method that will be used.
- Q Low, Q Width & Q High
- Q binning parameters that are passed to the SofQW algorithm.
- Rebin in Energy
- If enabled the data will first be rebinned in energy before being passed to
the SofQW algorithm.
- E Low, E Width & E High
- Energy rebinning parameters.
- Verbose
- Enables outputting additional information to the Results Log.
- Plot
- Allows the result to be plotted as either a spectrum plot or contour plot.
- Save
- If enabled the result will be saved as a NeXus file in the default save
This interface uses the SofQWMoments algorithm to
calculate the
moment of an
workspace created
by the SofQW tab.
- Input
- Allows you to select an
file (_sqw.nxs) or workspace
(_sqw) as the input to the algorithm.
- Scale By
- Used to set an optional scale factor by which to scale the output of the
- EMin & EMax
- Used to set the energy range of the sample that the algorithm will use for
- Verbose
- Enables outputting additional information to the Results Log.
- Plot
- If enabled will plot the result as a spectra plot.
- Save
- If enabled the result will be saved as a NeXus file in the default save
Categories: Interfaces | Indirect