
This a python binding to the C++ class Mantid::Geometry::BoundingBox.

class mantid.geometry.BoundingBox((object)arg1)

Constructs a zero-sized box

__init__((object)arg1) → None
__init__( (object)self, (float)xmax, (float)ymax, (float)zmax, (float)xmin, (float)ymin, (float)zmin) -> None :
Constructs a box from the six given points
centrePoint((BoundingBox)self) → V3D :

Returns a V3D containing the coordinates of the centre point. See mantid.kernel.V3D

doesLineIntersect((BoundingBox)self, (V3D)startPoint, (V3D)lineDir) → bool :

Returns true if the line given by the starting point & direction vector passes through the box

isNull((BoundingBox)self) → bool :

Returns true if the box has no dimensions that have been set

isPointInside((BoundingBox)arg1, (V3D)self) → bool :

Returns true if the given point is inside the object. See mantid.kernel.V3D

maxPoint((BoundingBox)self) → V3D :

Returns a V3D containing the values of the minimum of the box. See mantid.kernel.V3D

minPoint((BoundingBox)self) → V3D :

Returns a V3D containing the values of the minimum of the box. See mantid.kernel.V3D

width((BoundingBox)self) → V3D :

Returns a V3D containing the widths for each dimension. See mantid.kernel.V3D