- It is now possible to use the unit.quickConversion(destinationUnit) functionality in python. If it is possible to convert one unit to another using a multiplication by a constant, this will return the factor and power required for the multiplication.
- The Atom kernel class, which stores the cross-sections, relative atomic masses, and other information for all elements and isotopes is now accessible from Python.
- The Material class has two new Python methods: chemicalFormula returns a tuple of Atom objects corresponding to the atoms in the compound, and their abundances; relativeMolecularMass returns the relative formular unit mass in atomic mass units.
- The plot() function of mantidplot.pyplot now supports empty marker (marker=None).
- V3D is now iterable in Python, which makes it possible to easily construct numpy arrays like this np.array(V3D(1,2, 3)).
- Two new attributes available on all python algorithms startProgress and ``endProgress`. Added to an algorithm call, it will allow for passing control of the progress bar to child algorithms.
Full list of
changes on GitHub