SetSample v1


SetSample dialog.


Set properties of the sample and its environment for a workspace


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace InOut MatrixWorkspace Mandatory A workspace whose sample properties will be updated
Geometry Input Dictionary   A dictionary of geometry parameters for the sample.
Material Input Dictionary   A dictionary of material parameters for the sample. See SetSampleMaterial for all accepted parameters
Environment Input Dictionary   A dictionary of parameters to configure the sample environment


Set properties of the sample & its environment on a workspace.

The 3 arguments to this algorithm Environment, Geometry & Material are all expected to be dictionaries specifying multiple parameters that relate to the respective argument.


Specifies the sample enviorment kit to be used. There are two required keywords:

  • Name: The name of the predefined kit
  • Container: The id of the container within the predefined kit

See Sample Environment concept page for further details on how the creating a definition file.

The name of a kit is must be unique for a given instrument. The following procedure is used when trying to find a named definition, e.g CRYO-01:

  • check the instrument name on the input workspace:
    • if this is a known instrument at a known facility (is in Facilities.xml) then use these as FACILITY & INSTRUMENT respectively
    • else use the default facility and instrument as FACILITY & INSTRUMENT respectively
  • append .xml to the given kit name
  • find the current list of directories containing instrument definition files (see Instrument Definition Directories for the default directory list)
  • for each (INSTDIR) in turn:
    • construct a test path INSTDIR/sampleenvironments/FACILITY/INSTRUMENT/CRYO-01.xml
    • if this file exists then select this as the kit file and the search stops
    • otherwise if the file does not exist continue onto the next INSTDIR


Specifies the shape of the sample. This can be specified in 1 of 2 ways:

  • if an environment is specified that already knows the geometry of the sample then the fields of the known geometry container be customized. See Sample Environment concept page for further details
  • a full definition of the shape.

For defining the full shape a key called Shape specifying the desired shape is expected along with additional keys specifying the values (all values are assumed to be in centimeters):

  • FlatPlate: Width, Height, Thick, Center
  • Cylinder: Height, Radius, Center, Axis (X=0, Y=1, Z=2)
  • HollowCylinder: Height, InnerRadius, OuterRadius, Center, Axis(X=0, Y=1, Z=2)
  • CSG: Value is a string containing any generic shape as detailed in How To Define Geometric Shape

The Center key is expected to be a list of three values indicating the [X,Y,Z] position of the center.


Specifies the composition of the sample using properties from the SetSampleMaterial v1 algorithm. Please see the algorithm documentation for the supported keywords.


The following example uses a test file called CRYO-01.xml in the [INSTALLDIR]/instrument/sampleenvironments/TEST_LIVE/ISIS_Histogram/ directory.

Example - Container with preset cylinderical sample geometry

# A fake host workspace, replace this with your real one.
ws = CreateSampleWorkspace()

# Use geometry as is from environment defintion
SetSample(ws, Environment={'Name': 'CRYO-01', 'Container': '8mm'},
          Material={'ChemicalFormula': '(Li7)2-C-H4-N-Cl6'})

Example - Override height of preset cylinder sample

# A fake host workspace, replace this with your real one.
ws = CreateSampleWorkspace()
# Use geometry from environment but set differnet height for sample
SetSample(ws, Environment={'Name': 'CRYO-01', 'Container': '8mm'},
          Geometry={'Height': 4.0},
          Material={'ChemicalFormula': '(Li7)2-C-H4-N-Cl6'})

Example - Override complete sample geometry

# A fake host workspace, replace this with your real one.
ws = CreateSampleWorkspace()
# Use geometry from environment but set differnet height for sample
SetSample(ws, Environment={'Name': 'CRYO-01', 'Container': '8mm'},
          Geometry={'Shape': 'HollowCylinder', 'Height': 4.0,
                    'InnerRadius': 0.8, 'OuterRadius': 1.0,
                    'Center': [0.,0.,0.], 'Axis':1},
          Material={'ChemicalFormula': '(Li7)2-C-H4-N-Cl6'})

Categories: Algorithms | Sample


C++ source: SetSample.cpp

C++ header: SetSample.h