
This a python binding to the C++ class Mantid::Kernel::DateAndTime.

class mantid.kernel.DateAndTime((object)self, (str)ISO8601 string)
__init__((object)self, (str)ISO8601 string) → None :
Construct from an ISO8601 string
__init__( (object)self, (float)seconds, (float)nanoseconds) -> None :
Construct using a number of seconds and nanoseconds (floats)
__init__( (object)self, (int)seconds, (int)nanoseconds) -> None :
Construct using a number of seconds and nanoseconds (integers)
__init__( (object)self, (int)total nanoseconds) -> None :
Construct a total number of nanoseconds
setToMinimum((DateAndTime)self) → None
totalNanoseconds((DateAndTime)self) → int
total_nanoseconds((DateAndTime)self) → int