Mantid 3.5.2 Release Notes

This is a patch of version 3.5.1 with changes to support Poco 1.4.2-1.7.2.


Please cite any usage of Mantid as follows:

Changes in this version

  • 15366 Fix issues building Mantid with Poco 1.6
  • 15387 Fix EQSANSLoad to work with Poco 1.6
  • 15493 Undefine poco macro with the same name

Summary of impact

Issue Impact Solution Side Effect Probablility
15366 Poco::StringTokenizer changed implementation Create Mantid::Kernel::StringTokenizer medium
15387 EQSANSLoad returned inconsistent results Changed rounding of floats low
15493 Poco reimplemented macro Precompiler macro changes low