CreatePeaksWorkspace v1


CreatePeaksWorkspace dialog.


Create an empty PeaksWorkspace.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InstrumentWorkspace Input Workspace   An optional input workspace containing the default instrument for peaks in this workspace.
NumberOfPeaks Input number 1 Number of dummy peaks to initially create.
OutputWorkspace Output PeaksWorkspace Mandatory An output workspace.


Create an empty PeaksWorkspace. Use LoadIsawPeaks v1 or FindPeaksMD v1 to create a peaks workspace with peaks.

This workspace can serve as a starting point for modifying the PeaksWorkspace, using the GUI or python scripting, for example.

If the input workspace is a MDWorkspace then the instrument from the first experiment info is used.


Example: An empty table, not tied to an instrument

ws = CreatePeaksWorkspace()
print("Created a {} with {} rows".format(, ws.rowCount()))


Created a PeaksWorkspace with 0 rows

Example: With a few peaks in place

sampleWs = CreateSampleWorkspace()
ws = CreatePeaksWorkspace(InstrumentWorkspace=sampleWs,NumberOfPeaks=3)
print("Created a {} with {} rows".format(, ws.rowCount()))


Created a PeaksWorkspace with 3 rows

Categories: Algorithm Index | Crystal\Peaks | Utility\Workspaces


C++ source: CreatePeaksWorkspace.cpp (last modified: 2018-10-05)

C++ header: CreatePeaksWorkspace.h (last modified: 2018-10-05)