FixGSASInstrumentFile v1


FixGSASInstrumentFile dialog.


Fix format error in an GSAS instrument file.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputFilename Input string Mandatory Name of the GSAS instrument parameter file to get fixed for format. Allowed extensions: [‘.prm’, ‘.iparm’]
OutputFilename Input string Mandatory Name of the output GSAS instrument parameter file to have format fixed. Allowed extensions: [‘.prm’, ‘.iparm’]


GSAS instrument is required to have exact 80 characters each line. FixGSASInstrument will check the input GSAS instrument file whether each line of it will have 80 characters. If any line contains fewer than 80 characters, this algorithm will fill the line with space to 80 characters.


Example - correct a GSAS instrument file to 80 characters per line:

# Create filename (puts it in home directory to guarantee it exists)
import os
savefile = os.path.expanduser("~/fixed.iparm")

# Run the algorithm
FixGSASInstrumentFile(InputFilename="PG3HR60_FmPython.iparm", OutputFilename=savefile)

# Load new file and check each line
wfile = open(savefile, "r")
lines = wfile.readlines()
numlinefewer80b = 0
for line in lines:
  if len(line) > 0:
    line = line.split("\n")[0]
    if len(line) != 80:
      numlinefewer80b += 1

# Print out result
print("Corrected File: Number of lines that are not equal to 80 characters =  {}".format(numlinefewer80b))


Corrected File: Number of lines that are not equal to 80 characters =  0

Categories: Algorithm Index | Diffraction\DataHandling


C++ source: FixGSASInstrumentFile.cpp (last modified: 2018-10-05)

C++ header: FixGSASInstrumentFile.h (last modified: 2018-10-05)