HB2AReduce v1


HB2AReduce dialog.


Performs data reduction for HB-2A POWDER at HFIR


Name Direction Type Default Description
Filename Input list of str lists   Data files to load. Allowed extensions: [‘.dat’]
IPTS Input number Optional IPTS number to load from
Exp Input number Optional Experiment number to load from
ScanNumbers Input int list   Scan numbers to load
Vanadium Input string   Vanadium file, can be either the vanadium scan file or the reduced vcorr file. If not provided the vcorr file adjacent to the data file will be used. Allowed extensions: [‘.dat’, ‘.txt’]
Normalise Input boolean True If False vanadium normalisation will not be performed
ExcludeDetectors Input int list   Detectors to exclude. If not provided the HB2A_exp???__exclude_detectors.txt adjacent to the data file will be used if it exist
DefX Input string   By default the def_x (x-axis) from the file will be used, it can be overridden by setting it here
IndividualDetectors Input boolean False If True the workspace will include each anode as a separate spectrum, useful for debugging issues
BinData Input boolean True Data will be binned using BinWidth. If False then all data will be unbinned
BinWidth Input number 0.05 Bin size of the output workspace
Scale Input number 1 The output will be scaled by this value
OutputWorkspace Output Workspace Mandatory Output Workspace


This algorithm reduces HFIR POWDER (HB-2A) data.

You can either specify the filenames of data you want to reduce or provide the IPTS, exp and scan number. If only one experiment exists in an IPTS then exp can be omitted. e.g. the following are equivalent:

ws = HB2AReduce('/HFIR/HB2A/IPTS-21073/exp666/Datafiles/HB2A_exp0666_scan0024.dat')
# and
ws = HB2AReduce(IPTS=21073, exp=666, ScanNumbers=24)

You can specify any number of filenames or scan numbers (in a comma separated list).


By default the correct vcorr file (HB2A_exp???__Ge_[113|115]_[IN|OUT]_vcorr.txt) adjacent to the data file will be used. Alternatively either the vcorr file or a vanadium scan file can be provided to the Vanadium option. If a vanadium scan file is provided then the vanadium counts can be taken into account when calculating the uncertainty which can not be done with using the vcorr file.

If Normalise=False then no normalisation will be performed.


By default the file HB2A_exp???__exclude_detectors.txt adjacent to the data file will be used unless a list of detectors to exclude are provided by ExcludeDetectors


If this option is True then a separate spectra will be created in the output workspace for every anode. This allows you to compare adjacent anodes.

Binning Data

If BinData=True (default) then the data will be binned on a regular grid with a width of BinWidth. The output can be scaled by an arbitrary amount by setting Scale.


This algorithm will read the def_x value in the data file and use it as the x-axis. This value can be overridden by setting the DefX property, e.g. DefX='2theta'.

If you did a scan using a particular anode vs temperature then you should set IndividualDetectors=True and specify DefX if not correct in the data file. Then simply plot the spectrum you are scanning, look at the example below Anode8 vs temperature.

Saving reduced data

The output workspace can be saved to XYE, Maud and TOPAS format using SaveFocusedXYE. e.g.

# XYE with no header
SaveFocusedXYE(ws, Filename='data.xye', SplitFiles=False, IncludeHeader=False)

# TOPAS format
SaveFocusedXYE(ws, Filename='data.xye', SplitFiles=False, Format='TOPAS')

# Maud format
SaveFocusedXYE(ws, Filename='data.xye', SplitFiles=False, Format='MAUD')


Individual Detectors

ws=HB2AReduce('HB2A_exp0666_scan0024.dat', IndividualDetectors=True)

# Plot anodes 40, 41 and 42
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mantid import plots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection':'mantid'})
for num in [40,41,42]:
    ax.plot(ws, specNum=num)

Unbinned data

ws=HB2AReduce('HB2A_exp0666_scan0024.dat', BinData=False)

# Plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mantid import plots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection':'mantid'})

Binned data


# Plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mantid import plots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection':'mantid'})

Exclude detectors: 1-20,40,41,42

ws=HB2AReduce('HB2A_exp0666_scan0024.dat', ExcludeDetectors='1-20,40,41,42')

# Plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mantid import plots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection':'mantid'})

Combining multiple files

ws=HB2AReduce('HB2A_exp0666_scan0024.dat, HB2A_exp0666_scan0025.dat')

# Plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mantid import plots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection':'mantid'})

Anode8 vs temperature

Because the following data file has def_x = sample then this algorithm will reduce the data to be counts vs sample (sample temperature). Setting IndividualDetectors=True allows you to see a single anode vs temperature.


# Plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mantid import plots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection':'mantid'})
ax.plot(ws, specNum=8) # anode8

Categories: Algorithm Index | Diffraction\Reduction


Python: HB2AReduce.py (last modified: 2018-10-05)