LoadEMU v1


LoadEMU dialog.


Loads an EMU tar file, containing the Hdf and event file, into a workspace.


Name Direction Type Default Description
Filename Input string Mandatory The input filename of the stored data. Allowed extensions: [‘.tar’]
Mask Input string   The input filename of the mask data. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
SelectDetectorTubes Input string   Comma separated range of detectors tubes to be loaded, eg 16,19-45,47
OutputWorkspace Output IEventWorkspace Mandatory  
OverrideDopplerFrequency Input number Optional Override the Doppler frequency, in Hertz.
OverrideDopplerPhase Input number Optional Override the Doppler phase, in degrees.
CalibrateDopplerPhase Input boolean False Calibrate the Doppler phase prior to TOF conversion, ignored if imported as Doppler time or phase entered
LoadAsRawDopplerTime Input boolean False Import file as observed time relative the Doppler drive, in microsecs.
FilterByTimeStart Input number 0 Only include events after the provided start time, in seconds (relative to the start of the run).
FilterByTimeStop Input number Optional Only include events before the provided stop time, in seconds (relative to the start of the run).


Load data from the EMU beamline at ANSTO. The workspace generated is a TOF EventWorkspace.



To run these usage examples please first download the usage data, and add these to your path. In MantidPlot this is done using Manage User Directories.

Example - Load an EMU dataset:

ws = LoadEMU('EMU0006330.tar');

print("Number of spectra: {}".format(ws.getNumberHistograms()))


Number of spectra: 6528

Categories: Algorithm Index | DataHandling\ANSTO


C++ source: LoadEMU.cpp (last modified: 2019-01-09)

C++ header: LoadEMU.h (last modified: 2019-01-09)