Table of Contents
Reduces a single TOF/Lambda reflectometry run into a mod Q vs I/I0 workspace. Performs monitor normalization and transmission corrections.
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Run to reduce. |
SummationType | Input | string | SumInLambda | The type of summation to perform. Allowed values: [‘SumInLambda’, ‘SumInQ’] |
ReductionType | Input | string | Normal | The type of reduction to perform when summing in Q. Allowed values: [‘Normal’, ‘DivergentBeam’, ‘NonFlatSample’] |
IncludePartialBins | Input | boolean | False | If true then partial bins at the beginning and end of the output range are included |
ThetaIn | Input | number | Optional | Angle in degrees |
ProcessingInstructions | Input | string | Mandatory | Grouping pattern on spectrum numbers to yield only the detectors of interest. See GroupDetectors for details. |
WavelengthMin | Input | number | Mandatory | Wavelength minimum in angstroms |
WavelengthMax | Input | number | Mandatory | Wavelength maximum in angstroms |
I0MonitorIndex | Input | number | Optional | I0 monitor workspace index |
MonitorBackgroundWavelengthMin | Input | number | Optional | Wavelength minimum for monitor background subtraction in angstroms. |
MonitorBackgroundWavelengthMax | Input | number | Optional | Wavelength maximum for monitor background subtraction in angstroms. |
MonitorIntegrationWavelengthMin | Input | number | Optional | Wavelength minimum for integration in angstroms. |
MonitorIntegrationWavelengthMax | Input | number | Optional | Wavelength maximum for integration in angstroms. |
NormalizeByIntegratedMonitors | Input | boolean | True | Normalize by dividing by the integrated monitors. |
FirstTransmissionRun | Input | MatrixWorkspace | First transmission run, or the low wavelength transmission run if SecondTransmissionRun is also provided. | |
SecondTransmissionRun | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Second, high wavelength transmission run. Optional. Causes the FirstTransmissionRun to be treated as the low wavelength transmission run. | |
Params | Input | dbl list | A comma separated list of first bin boundary, width, last bin boundary. These parameters are used for stitching together transmission runs. Values are in wavelength (angstroms). This input is only needed if a SecondTransmission run is provided. | |
StartOverlap | Input | number | Optional | Start wavelength for stitching transmission runs together. Only used if a second transmission run is provided. |
EndOverlap | Input | number | Optional | End wavelength (angstroms) for stitching transmission runs together. Only used if a second transmission run is provided. |
ScaleRHSWorkspace | Input | boolean | True | Scale the right-hand-side or left-hand-side workspace. Only used if a second transmission run is provided. |
TransmissionProcessingInstructions | Input | string | These processing instructions will be passed to the transmission workspace algorithm | |
CorrectionAlgorithm | Input | string | None | The type of correction to perform. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘PolynomialCorrection’, ‘ExponentialCorrection’] |
Polynomial | Input | dbl list | Coefficients to be passed to the PolynomialCorrection algorithm. | |
C0 | Input | number | 0 | C0 value to be passed to the ExponentialCorrection algorithm. |
C1 | Input | number | 0 | C1 value to be passed to the ExponentialCorrection algorithm. |
Diagnostics | Input | boolean | False | Whether to enable the output of interim workspaces for debugging purposes. |
Debug | Input | boolean | False | Whether to enable the output of extra workspaces. |
OutputWorkspace | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Output Workspace IvsQ. | |
OutputWorkspaceWavelength | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Output Workspace IvsLam. Intermediate workspace. |
This algorithm is not meant to be used directly by users. Please see ReflectometryReductionOneAuto v2 which is a facade over this algorithm.
This algorithm reduces a single reflectometry run into a mod Q vs I/I0 workspace.
The mandatory input properties, WavelengthMin
, WavelengthMax
and ProcessingInstructions
, must be manually set by the user. In addition, for
the algorithm to be able to convert from wavelength to momentum transfer correctly,
instrument components, specially detectors, must be located at the correct positions.
The expected experimental setup for the algorithm to produce correct results is
shown below, where the angle between the beam direction and the sample-to-detector
vector must be .
The figure below displays a high-level workflow diagram illustrating the main steps taking place in the reduction. For the sake of clarity, all possible steps are illustrated, even if some of them are optional.
First, the algorithm checks the X units of the input workspace. If the input workspace is already in wavelength, summation and normalization by monitors and direct beam are not performed, as it is considered that the input run was already reduced using this algorithm.
If summation is to be done in wavelength, then this is done first. The the
conversion to wavelength and normalisation by monitors and direct beam is done,
followed by the transmission correction. Transmission correction is always
done, even if the input was already in wavelength. The resulting workspace is
cropped in wavelength according to WavelengthMin
, which are both mandatory properties.
If summation is to be done in Q, this is done after the normalisations and cropping, but again, only if the reduction has not already been done.
Finally, the output workspace in wavelength is converted to momentum transfer (Q).
If summing in wavelength, detectors of interest are extracted and summed in TOF
using GroupDetectors v2 with ProcessingInstructions
as input. (If
summing in Q, summation is not done yet as it is done in a later step after all
normalisations have been done.) The workspace is then converted to wavelength
with AlignBins
set to True
Next, normalization by direct beam and monitors is optionally done using Divide v1. A summary of the steps is shown in the workflow diagram below.
Direct Beam and Monitor corrections can be applied to the workspace. These are both optional steps and will only take place if the required inputs are provided - otherwise, these steps will be skipped.
The region of direct beam is extracted from the input workspace in TOF using
GroupDetectors v2 with RegionOfDirectBeam
as input. This is only
done if RegionOfDirectBeam
is specified. The resulting workspace is
converted to wavelength with AlignBins
set to True
Monitors are extracted from the input workspace in TOF using
CropWorkspace v1 with I0MonitorIndex
as input. The resulting
workspace is converted to wavelength with AlignBins
set to
. Monitor normalisation is only done if I0MonitorIndex
and MonitorBackgroundWavelengthMax
all specified.
Normalisation can be done by integrated monitors by setting
to true, in which case
are used as the integration
range. If monitors are not integrated, detectors are rebinned to monitors using
RebinToWorkspace v1 so that the normalization by monitors can take
Transmission corrections can be optionally applied to the workspace resulting from the previous step. Transmission corrections can be either specified via transmission runs or specific correction algorithms.
When normalizing by transmission runs, i.e. when one or two transmission runs are given, the spectrum numbers in the transmission workspaces must be the same as those in the input run workspace. You can pass individual processing instructions to the transmission runs.
When normalizing by transmission run, this algorithm will run
CreateTransmissionWorkspace v2 as a child algorithm, with properties WavelengthMin
, I0MonitorIndex
, MonitorBackgroundWavelengthMin
, MonitorIntegrationWavelengthMin
, and ProcessingInstructions
In addition, when both FirstTransmissionRun
and SecondTransmissionRun
are provided the stitching parameters Params
, as well as StartOverlap
will be used by CreateTransmissionWorkspace v2 to create the
transmission workspace that will be used for the normalization.
If no transmission runs are provided, then algorithmic corrections can be
performed instead by setting CorrectionAlgorithm
to either
or ExponentialCorrection
, the two
possible types of corrections at the moment. If PolynomialCorrection
is selected, PolynomialCorrection v1 algorithm will be run, with this
algorithm’s Polynomial
property used as its Coefficients
property. If the CorrectionAlgorithm
property is set to
, then the ExponentialCorrection v1
algorithm is used, with C0 and C1 taken from the C0
and C1
If summing in Q, the summation is done now, after all normalisations and
cropping have been done. As with summation in , the summation is
only done if the reduction has not already been done.
The summation is done using the algorithm proposed by Cubitt et al
(J. Appl. Crystallogr., 48 (6) (2015)). This involves a projection to an
arbitrary reference angle, , with a “virtual” wavelength,
. This is the wavelength the neutron would have had if it had
arrived at
with the same momentum transfer (
Counts are considered to be spread evenly over the input pixel, and the
top-left and bottom-right corner of the pixel are projected onto
giving a range in
to project onto. Counts
are shared out proportionally into the output bins that overlap this range, and
the projected counts from all pixels are summed into the appropriate output
The resulting 1D workspace in at
the output workspace in wavelength.
The IncludePartialBins
property specifies how the range
should be calculated from the input range
corresponds to
, WavelengthMax
). If IncludePartialBins
is false
(default) then we use the projection to the strictly-cropped range
. This excludes any counts from the
orange-shaded triangles shown in the figure, for which we may only have partial
information because counts from the red shaded triangles are outside the
specified lambda range.
If IncludePartialBins
is true
then the algorithm will use the full
projected range . This will include all
counts from the input range
, but may result in
partially-filled bins for counts contributed from the orange-shaded regions if
data is not available in the red-shaded regions. Note however that if the red
regions do contain counts then they will still be included, e.g. if you have
narrowed the range
, WavelengthMax
from the available
range for the instrument then the red regions may contain valid counts.
Finally, the output workspace in wavelength is converted to momentum transfer
() using ConvertUnits v1. The equation used is
in the non-flat sample case or
in the divergent beam
case. This is because the latter needs to take into account the divergence of
the beam from the assumed direct beam direction.
Note that the output workspace in Q is a workspace with native binning, and no rebin step is applied to it. If you wish to obtain a rebinned workspace in Q you should consider using algorithm ReflectometryReductionOneAuto v2 instead, which is a facade over this algorithm and has two extra steps (Rebin v1 and Scale v1) to produce an additional workspace in Q with specified binning and scale factor. Please refer to ReflectometryReductionOneAuto v2 for more information.
This is version 2 of the algorithm. For version 1, please see here.
Example - Reduce a run
run = Load(Filename='INTER00013460.nxs')
# Basic reduction with no transmission run
IvsQ, IvsLam = ReflectometryReductionOne(InputWorkspace=run,
Example - Reduce a run and normalize by transmission workspace
run = Load(Filename='INTER00013460.nxs')
trans1 = Load(Filename='INTER00013463.nxs')
trans2 = Load(Filename='INTER00013464.nxs')
# Basic reduction with two transmission runs
IvsQ, IvsLam = ReflectometryReductionOne(InputWorkspace=run,
Categories: Algorithm Index | Reflectometry
C++ source: ReflectometryReductionOne2.cpp (last modified: 2019-02-08)
C++ header: ReflectometryReductionOne2.h (last modified: 2018-10-05)