SANSMaskWorkspace v1


SANSMaskWorkspace dialog.


Masks a SANS workspaces.


Name Direction Type Default Description
SANSState Input Dictionary   A property manager which fulfills the SANSState contract.
Workspace InOut MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The sample scatter workspace. This workspace does not contain monitors.
Component Input string LAB The component of the instrument which is to be masked. Allowed values: [‘LAB’, ‘HAB’]


This algorithm masks a SANS workspace according to the settings in the state object. The user can specify which detector to mask. Currently the mask mechanism is implemented for SANS2D, LOQ and LARMOR.

There are several types of masking which are currently supported:

  • Time/Bin masking.
  • Radius masking.
  • Mask files.
  • Angle masking.
  • Spectrum masking which includes individual spectra, spectra ranges, spectra blocks and spectra cross blocks. These masks are partially specified on a detector level (see below).
  • Beam stop masking.

Relevant SANSState entries for SANSMaskWorkspace

The required information for the mask operation is retrieved from a state object. The state for masking is a composite of general settings and detector specific settings (see below).

The elements of the general mask state are:

Entry Type Description Mandatory Default value
radius_min Float Minimum radius in m for the radius mask No None
radius_min Float Maximum radius in m for the radius mask No None
bin_mask_general_start List of Float A list of start values for time masking No None
bin_mask_general_stop List of Float A list of stop values for time masking No None
mask_files List of String A list of mask file names No None
phi_min Float Minimum angle for angle masking No None
phi_max Float Maximum angle for angle masking No None
use_mask_phi_mirror Bool If a mirrored angle mask is to be used No None
beam_stop_arm_width Float Size fo the beam stop arm in m No None
beam_stop_arm_angle Float Angle of the beam stop arm No None
beam_stop_arm_pos1 Float First coordinate of the beam stop position No None
beam_stop_arm_pos2 Float Second coordinate of the beam stop position No None
clear Bool If the spectra mask is to be cleared No None
clear_time Float If the time mask is to be cleared No None
single_spectra List of Integer List of spectra which are to be masked No None
spectrum_range_start List of Integer List of specra where a range mask starts No None
spectrum_range_stop List of Integer List of specra where a range mask stops No None
detectors Dict A map to detector-specific settings No None
idf_path String The path to the IDF auto setup auto setup

The detectors dictionary above maps to a mask state object for the individual detectors :

Entry Type Description Mandatory Default value
single_vertical_strip_mask List of Integer A list of vertical strip masks No 0.0
range_vertical_strip_start List of Integer A list of start spectra for vertical strip mask ranges No 0.0
range_vertical_strip_stop List of Integer A list of stop spectra for vertical strip mask ranges No 0.0
single_horizontal_strip_mask List of Integer A list of horizontal strip masks No 0.0
range_horizontal_strip_start List of Integer A list of start spectra for horizontal strip mask ranges No 0.0
range_horizontal_strip_stop List of Integer A list of stop spectra for horizontal strip mask ranges No 0.0
block_horizontal_start List of Integer A list of start spectra for the horizontal part of block masks No 0.0
block_horizontal_stop List of Integer A list of stop spectra for the horizontal part of block masks No 0.0
block_vertical_start List of Integer A list of start spectra for the vertical part of block masks No 0.0
block_vertical_stop List of Integer A list of stop spectra for the vertical part of block masks No 0.0
block_cross_horizontal List of Integer A list of spectra for the horizontal part of cross block masks No 0.0
block_cross_vertical List of Integer A list of spectra for the vertical part of cross block masks No 0.0

Note that these settings should be only populated via the GUI or the Python Interface of ISIS SANS.

Mask options for the detector: LAB, HAB

The LAB (low angle bank) setting selects the first detector of the instrument.

The HAB (high angle bank) setting selects the first detector of the instrument.

Categories: Algorithm Index | SANS\Mask


Python: (last modified: 2018-10-05)