
This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::Kernel::VisibleWhenProperty.

bases: mantid.kernel.EnabledWhenProperty

class mantid.kernel.VisibleWhenProperty((object)self, (str)otherPropName, (PropertyCriterion)when, (str)value)
__init__((object)self, (str)otherPropName, (PropertyCriterion)when, (str)value) → None :
Enabled otherPropName property when value criterion meets that given by the ‘when’ argument
__init__( (object)self, (str)otherPropName, (PropertyCriterion)when) -> None :
Enabled otherPropName property when criterion does not require a value, i.e isDefault
__init__( (object)arg1, (VisibleWhenProperty)self, (VisibleWhenProperty)conditionObjOne, (LogicOperator)conditionObjTwo) -> None :
Sets the property to visible when the two VisibleWhenProperty conditions match the operator condition
isEnabled((IPropertySettings)self, (IPropertyManager)alg) → bool :

Is the property to be shown as enabled in the GUI. Default true.

isVisible((IPropertySettings)self, (IPropertyManager)alg) → bool :

Is the property to be shown in the GUI? Default true.