

Models the Q dependence of the QENS line width (Gamma (hwhm)), diffusion coefficients (D), residence times (tau) and jump lengths (l) to extract the associated long range diffusive motions of molecules.

The Hall-Ross Jump diffusion model [1] has the form:

Gamma(Q) = \frac{\hbar}{\tau} \cdot (1-exp(-l*Q^2))

Units of l are inverse units of Q.

Units of Gamma are meV if units of \tau are ps. Alternatively, units of Gamma are \mu eV if units of \tau are ns.

Properties (fitting parameters)

Name Default Description
Tau 1.0 Residence time
L 0.2 Jump length


[1]P L Hall & D K Ross Mol Phys 36 1549 (1978)

Categories: FitFunctions | QuasiElastic


Python: HallRoss.py (last modified: 2019-02-08)