CatalogLogin v1


CatalogLogin dialog.


Authenticates credentials against a given catalog.


Name Direction Type Default Description
Username Input string Mandatory The username to log into the catalog.
Password Input string Mandatory The password of the related username to use.
FacilityName Input string ISIS Select a facility to log in to. Allowed values: [‘ISIS’]
KeepSessionAlive Input boolean True Keeps the session of the catalog alive if login was successful.
KeepAlive Output IAlgorithm   A handle to the KeepAlive algorithm instance that continues to keep the catalog alive after this algorithm completes.


This algorithm authenticates the user’s credentials against a specific catalog facility. The catalog is determined from the facility chosen, and is obtained from the config file Facilities.xml.


Example - log a user into the catalog.

# Attempts to authenticate the user against the ISIS catalog.
# When logging into the catalog the session class is returned.
# This can then be used throughout to perform other ICAT routines.
session = CatalogLogin(username='SECRET',password='SECRET',Facility="ISIS")

# View the session ID for this catalog session.
print("The session ID is: {}".format(session.getPropertyValue("Session")))


The session ID is: b931877c-3cfb-460e-9e88-ed4257020477

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | DataHandling\Catalog


C++ source: CatalogLogin.cpp (last modified: 2019-06-04)

C++ header: CatalogLogin.h (last modified: 2018-10-05)