CopyInstrumentParameters v1


CopyInstrumentParameters dialog.


Transfers an instrument from on workspace to another workspace with same base instrument.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Name of the workspace giving the instrument
OutputWorkspace InOut MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Name of the workspace receiving the instrument


Transfer an instrument parameters from a giving workspace to a receiving workspace.

The instrument parameters in the receiving workspace are REPLACED (despite you can assume from the name of the algorithm) by a copy of the instrument parameters in the giving workspace so gaining any manipulations such as calibration done to the instrument in the giving workspace.

Does not work on workspaces with grouped detectors if some of the detectors were calibrated.


Example - Copy parameters that contain the movement of 3 detectors


To run these usage examples please first download the usage data, and add these to your path. In MantidPlot this is done using Manage User Directories.

# We load two workspaces with same instument
# the first of which has had come detectors moved by calibration.
# The run CopyInstrumentParameters and show that the same detectors have been moved.
# We use HRPD workspaces, which have detectors that are not rectangular.
ws1 = Load("HRP38094Calib.nxs")
ws2 = Load("HRP39180.RAW")

spectra = [0, 1, 3] # Sprectra of detectors moved

# Show positions in 1st workspace
for i in spectra:
     det = ws1.getDetector(i)
     print("Position of Detector ID={} in 1st workspace: {:.0f},{:.0f},{:.0f}".
            format(det.getID(), det.getPos().X(), det.getPos().Y(), det.getPos().Z()))

# Show positions in 2nd workspace before CopyInstrumrentParameters
for i in spectra:
     det = ws2.getDetector(i)
     print("Position of Detector ID=%i in 2nd workspace before CopyInstrumentParameters: %.0f,%.0f,%.0f" % (det.getID(),
             det.getPos().X(), det.getPos().Y(), det.getPos().Z()))

# Copy parameters from 1st workspace to 2nd workspace
CopyInstrumentParameters( ws1, ws2 )

# Show positions in 2nd workspace after CopyInstrumrentParameters
for i in spectra:
     det = ws2.getDetector(i)
     print("Position of Detector ID={} in 2nd workspace after CopyInstrumentParameters: {:.0f},{:.0f},{:.0f}".
           format(det.getID(), det.getPos().X(), det.getPos().Y(), det.getPos().Z()))


Position of Detector ID=1100 in 1st workspace: 9,0,0
Position of Detector ID=1101 in 1st workspace: 10,3,0
Position of Detector ID=1103 in 1st workspace: 12,3,6
Position of Detector ID=1100 in 2nd workspace before CopyInstrumentParameters: 0,0,-1
Position of Detector ID=1101 in 2nd workspace before CopyInstrumentParameters: 0,0,-1
Position of Detector ID=1103 in 2nd workspace before CopyInstrumentParameters: 0,0,-1
Position of Detector ID=1100 in 2nd workspace after CopyInstrumentParameters: 9,0,0
Position of Detector ID=1101 in 2nd workspace after CopyInstrumentParameters: 10,3,0
Position of Detector ID=1103 in 2nd workspace after CopyInstrumentParameters: 12,3,6

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | DataHandling\Instrument


C++ source: CopyInstrumentParameters.cpp (last modified: 2019-07-17)

C++ header: CopyInstrumentParameters.h (last modified: 2018-10-05)