ERROR: No algorithm ‘SANSConvertToWavelength’ version ‘1’, skipping directive
ERROR: No algorithm ‘SANSConvertToWavelength’ version ‘1’, skipping directive
ERROR: No algorithm ‘SANSConvertToWavelength’ version ‘1’, skipping directive
ERROR: No algorithm ‘SANSConvertToWavelength’ version ‘1’, skipping directive
This algorithm converts a SANS workspace to wavelength and rebins it. The settings for the wavelength conversion and the rebining are stored in the state object. Currently the mask mechanism is implemented for SANS2D, LOQ and LARMOR.
The required information for the wavelength conversion is retrieved from a state object.
The elements of the wavelength conversion state are:
Entry | Type | Description | Mandatory | Default value |
rebin_type | RebinType enum | The type of rebin, ie Rebin or Interpolating | No | None |
wavelength_low | Float | Lower wavelength bound | No | None |
wavelength_high | Float | Upper wavelength bound | No | None |
wavelength_step | Float | Wavelength step | No | None |
wavelength_step_type | RangeStepType enum | Wavelength step type | No | None |
Note that these settings should be only populated via the GUI or the Python Interface of ISIS SANS.
ERROR: No algorithm ‘SANSConvertToWavelength’ version ‘1’, skipping directive
ERROR: No algorithm ‘SANSConvertToWavelength’ version ‘1’, skipping directive