
This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::API::AlgorithmManagerImpl.

class mantid.api.AlgorithmManagerImpl
Instance() → AlgorithmManagerImpl :

Return a reference to the singleton instance


Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

cancelAll((AlgorithmManagerImpl)self) → None :

Requests that all currently running algorithms be cancelled

clear((AlgorithmManagerImpl)self) → None :

Clears the current list of managed algorithms

create((AlgorithmManagerImpl)arg1, (str)name[, (int)version]) → IAlgorithm :

Creates a managed algorithm.

createUnmanaged((AlgorithmManagerImpl)arg1, (str)name[, (int)version]) → Algorithm :

Creates an unmanaged algorithm.

getAlgorithm((AlgorithmManagerImpl)self, (AlgorithmID)id_holder) → IAlgorithm :

Return the algorithm instance identified by the given id.

newestInstanceOf((AlgorithmManagerImpl)self, (str)algorithm_name) → IAlgorithm :

Returns the newest created instance of the named algorithm

removeById((AlgorithmManagerImpl)self, (AlgorithmID)id_holder) → None :

Remove an algorithm from the managed list

runningInstancesOf((AlgorithmManagerImpl)self, (str)algorithm_name) → list :

Returns a list of managed algorithm instances that are currently executing

setMaxAlgorithms((AlgorithmManagerImpl)self, (int)n) → None :

Set the maximum number of allowed managed algorithms

size((AlgorithmManagerImpl)self) → int :

Returns the number of managed algorithms