
This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::API::FunctionFactoryImpl.

class mantid.api.FunctionFactoryImpl
Instance() → FunctionFactoryImpl :

Returns a reference to the FunctionFactory singleton


Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

createCompositeFunction((FunctionFactoryImpl)self, (str)name) → CompositeFunction :

Return a pointer to the requested function

createFunction((FunctionFactoryImpl)self, (str)type) → IFunction :

Return a pointer to the requested function

createInitialized((FunctionFactoryImpl)self, (str)init_expr) → IFunction :

Return a pointer to the requested function

getFunctionNames((FunctionFactoryImpl)self) → object :

Returns a list of the currently available functions

subscribe((FunctionFactoryImpl)self, (object)object) → None :

Register a Python class derived from IFunction into the factory

unsubscribe((FunctionFactoryImpl)self, (str)class_name) → None :

Remove a type from the factory