
This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::Kernel::FloatBoundedValidator.

bases: mantid.kernel.IValidator

class mantid.kernel.FloatBoundedValidator((object)arg1)
__init__((object)arg1) → None

__init__( (object)arg1 [, (object)lower=None [, (object)upper=None]]) -> object

__init__( (object)arg1 [, (object)lower=None [, (object)upper=None [, (bool)exclusive=False]]]) -> object

hasLower((FloatBoundedValidator)self) → bool :

Returns True if a lower bound has been set

hasUpper((FloatBoundedValidator)self) → bool :

Returns True if an upper bound has been set

isLowerExclusive((FloatBoundedValidator)self) → bool :

Returns True if the lower bound is exclusive

isUpperExclusive((FloatBoundedValidator)self) → bool :

Returns True if the upper bound is exclusive

lower((FloatBoundedValidator)self) → float :

Returns the lower bound

setBounds((FloatBoundedValidator)self, (float)lower, (float)upper) → None :

Set both bounds

setExclusive((FloatBoundedValidator)self, (bool)exclusive) → None :

Sets both bounds to be inclusive/exclusive

setLower((FloatBoundedValidator)self, (float)lower) → None :

Set the lower bound

setLowerExclusive((FloatBoundedValidator)self, (bool)exclusive) → None :

Sets if the lower bound is exclusive

setUpper((FloatBoundedValidator)self, (float)upper) → None :

Set the upper bound

setUpperExclusive((FloatBoundedValidator)self, (bool)exclusive) → None :

Sets if the upper bound is exclsuive

upper((FloatBoundedValidator)self) → float :

Returns the upper bound