Direct Inelastic Changes
- CreateEPP: generate EPP tables compatible with FindEPP directly from instrument geometry.
- LoadILLTof now loads the monitor spectra last making the spectrum numbers and detectors IDs match.
- In CorrectTOFAxis, the sample to detector distance can now be directly given using the new L2 property.
- DPDFReduction now detects such that
- The already deprecated version 1 of LoadILLTOF has been removed completely. Use LoadILLTOF version 2 instead.
- Now accepts arbitrary J (or S - angular momentum quantum number, determining the basis states)
values with the syntax: Ion=S<n> or Ion=J<n> where <n> is an integer or half integer.
- Crystal field parameters from a point charge model can now be calculated using the PointCharge class, from a defined crystal structure or CIF file.
See the Crystal Field Python Interface for details of the syntax.
Full list of changes on GitHub