Muon Analysis

Table of Contents


Muon Analysis

  • Fixed a bug where the “load next/previous” buttons appended runs in certain cases where this was not the intended behaviour.
  • The Grouping Options and Data Analysis tabs now only become enabled once data has been loaded on the Home tab. Data should first be loaded on the Home tab, then it can be grouped/fitted. After the first dataset has been loaded, additional datasets can of course be added (for a multi-dataset fit) using the Data Analysis tab.
  • The “compatibility mode” option has been renamed “Enable multiple fitting”, and defaults to off. The interface will therefore look the same as it did in Mantid 3.7 by default. To enable the new multi-fitting functionality, just tick the box on the settings tab.
  • The layout of the new fitting tab UI has been improved to give more space for the fitting function, and enable the relative space given to each section to be adjusted by the user.
  • Fixed a bug where fitting data from “load current run” failed when the remote directory was not in Mantid’s data search path. Now the remote directory for the relevant instrument is automatically added to this path when “load current run” is used.
  • Fixed a bug where stale plot guesses would be left on the graph in some situations.
  • Fixed a bug with load current run that meant it would be actually loading old data due to caching. Data from current run files is no longer cached behind the scenes.
  • The default Plot Policy has been changed to Use Previous Window. This avoids the speed and stability issues that could occur with Create New Window once hundreds of graph windows had accumulated over several days of an experiment.
  • Fixed a bug for the time averaging within the muon analysis. Now uses the time average function.

Full list of changes on GitHub.