Reflectometry Changes




Bug fixes

  • Fixed the error propagation in Q grouping in ReflectometryILLConvertToQ.
  • Handling of group workspaces containing single workspaces when scaling by period and using ScaleFactorFromPeriod, i.e. UseManualScaleFactors is true, ManualScaleFactors remains empty.
  • A bug has been fixed on the Settings tab where the IncludePartialBins check box had been hidden by a misplaced text entry box.
  • ReflectometryReductionOneAuto v3 No longer sums all of a transmission run’s workspaces and instead will use the first run only
  • In ReflectometryReductionOneAuto v3 an issue where if you gave only one of either MomentumTransferMax or MomentumTransferMin were specified it would be ignored, this has been fixed.
  • Reverted property names for polarization correction coefficients in ReflectometryReductionOneAuto for backwards compatibility.
  • Fixed the BeamCenter property of ReflectometrySumInQ to actually be a fractional workspace index.

Liquids Reflectometer

  • Default x-direction pixel range for the scaling factor calculation is now set to the full width of the detector as opposed to a restricted guess.

Magnetism Reflectometer

  • Added option to overwrite DIRPIX and DANGLE0.
  • Added option to skip the final rebinning.

ISIS Reflectometry Interface

This is the last release of Mantid which will include the old reflectometry interface. It will be removed in version 4.1.


  • Flood correction options have been added to the interface.


  • The interface now supports the Wildes method for polarization corrections as well as Fredrikze when configured in the parameters file.

Bug fixes

  • The SaveASCII tab from the interface was unable to save in some places on Windows and that has now been fixed.

Release 4.0.0