ChangePulsetime v1


ChangePulsetime dialog.


Adds a constant time value, in seconds, to the pulse time of events in an EventWorkspace.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input EventWorkspace Mandatory An input event workspace.
TimeOffset Input number 0 Number of seconds (a float) to add to each event’s pulse time. Required.
WorkspaceIndexList Input int list   An optional list of workspace indices to change. If blank, all spectra in the workspace are modified.
OutputWorkspace Output EventWorkspace Mandatory An output event workspace.


Modifies the pulse time (wall-clock time) of all the events in the specified spectra of an EventWorkspace, by adding the given number of seconds as specified with TimeOffset.

Categories: AlgorithmIndex | Events | Transforms\Axes


C++ header: ChangePulsetime.h (last modified: 2020-03-20)

C++ source: ChangePulsetime.cpp (last modified: 2020-03-20)