
This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::API::IFunction1D.

bases: mantid.api.IFunction

class mantid.api.IFunction1D

Base class for 1D Fit functions

addConstraints((IFunction)self, (str)constraints[, (bool)isDefault]) → None :

Constrain named parameters

attributeNames((IFunction)self) → std_vector_str :

The names of all the attributes

categories((IFunction)self) → object :

Returns a list of the categories for an algorithm

category((IFunction)self) → str :

Return a semi-colon(;) separated string for the categories this class should belong to. For sub-categories use a separator

clone((IFunction)self) → IFunction :

Clones the function

createEquivalentFunctions((IFunction)self) → list :

Split this function (if needed) into a list of independent functions

declareAttribute((IFunction)self, (str)name, (object)default_value) → None :

Declare an attribute with an initial value

declareParameter((IFunction)self, (str)name, (float)init_value, (str)description) → None :

Declare a fitting parameter settings its default value & description

declareParameter( (IFunction)self, (str)name, (float)init_value) -> None :
Declare a fitting parameter settings its default value
declareParameter( (IFunction)self, (str)name) -> None :
Declare a fitting parameter settings its default value to 0.0
fixAll((IFunction)self[, (bool)isDefault]) → None :

Fix all parameters

fixParameter((IFunction)self, (int)i[, (bool)isDefault]) → None :

Fix the ith parameter

fixParameter( (IFunction)self, (str)name [, (bool)isDefault]) -> None :
Fix the named parameter
freeAll((IFunction)self) → None :

Free all parameters

freeParameter((IFunction)self, (int)i) → None :

Free the ith parameter

freeParameter( (IFunction)self, (str)name) -> None :
Free the named parameter
function1D((IFunction1D)self, (object)xvals) → object :

Calculate the values of the function for the given x values and returns them

getAttributeValue((IFunction)self, (str)name) → object :

Return the value of the named attribute

getCategories((IFunction)self) → object :

Returns a list of the categories for an algorithm

getConstraints((IFunction)self) → str :

Returns the list of current constraints as a string

getError((IFunction)self, (int)i) → float :

Return fitting error of the ith parameter

getError( (IFunction)self, (str)name) -> float :
Return fitting error of the named parameter
getFunction((IFunction)self, (int)index) → IFunction :

Returns the pointer to i-th child function

getNumberDomains((IFunction)self) → int :

Get number of domains of a multi-domain function

getParamDescr((IFunction)self, (int)i) → str :

Return a description of the ith parameter

getParamExplicit((IFunction)self, (int)i) → bool :

Return whether the ith parameter needs to be explicitely set

getParamName((IFunction)self, (int)i) → str :

Return the name of the ith parameter

getParamValue((IFunction)self, (int)i) → float :

Get the value of the ith parameter

getParameterValue((IFunction)self, (int)i) → float :

Get the value of the ith parameter

getParameterValue( (IFunction)self, (str)name) -> float :
Get the value of the named parameter
getTies((IFunction)self) → str :

Returns the list of current ties as a string

hasAttribute((IFunction)self, (str)name) → bool :

Return whether there is an attribute of the given name

hasParameter((IFunction)self, (str)name) → bool :

Return whether there is an parameter of the given name

initialize((IFunction)self) → None :

Declares any parameters and attributes on the function

isExplicitlySet((IFunction)self, (int)i) → bool :

Return whether the ith parameter needs to be explicitely set

isFixed((IFunction)self, (int)i) → bool :

Return whether the ith parameter is fixed or tied

nAttributes((IFunction)self) → int :

Return the number of attributes (non-fitting arguments)

nDomains((IFunction)self) → int :

Get the number of domains.

nParams((IFunction)self) → int :

Return the number of parameters

name((IFunction)self) → str :

Return the name of the function

numParams((IFunction)self) → int :

Return the number of parameters

paramDescription((IFunction)self, (int)i) → str :

Return a description of the ith parameter

parameterName((IFunction)self, (int)i) → str :

Return the name of the ith parameter

removeConstraint((IFunction)self, (str)name) → None :

Remove the constraint on the named parameter

removeTie((IFunction)self, (int)i) → bool :

Remove the tie of the ith parameter

removeTie( (IFunction)self, (str)name) -> None :
Remove the tie of the named parameter
setAttributeValue((IFunction)self, (str)name, (object)value) → None :

Set a value of a named attribute

setConstraintPenaltyFactor((IFunction)self, (str)name, (float)value) → None :

Set the constraint penalty factor for named parameter

setError((IFunction)self, (int)i, (float)err) → None :

Sets the error on parameter index i

setParameter((IFunction)self, (int)i, (float)value[, (bool)explicitlySet]) → None :

Sets the value of the ith parameter

setParameter( (IFunction)self, (str)name, (float)value [, (bool)explicitlySet]) -> None :
Sets the value of the named parameter
tie((IFunction)self, (str)name, (str)expr[, (bool)isDefault]) → None :

Tie a named parameter to an expression