- BayesQuasi no longer crashes if the you supply data with trailing or leading zeros
- ISISIndirectEnergyTransfer only corrects for detailed balance when one is actually specified as input.
- SimulatedDensityOfStates should no longer manipulate the actual data values and only rebins the data to the desired bin width.
- VesuvioCorrections no longer always fits using only the first spectrum in the input workspace.
- Fix bug with :ref: BayesQuasi <algm-BayesQuasi> docs not displaying online
- BayesStretched interface now gives the option of using the current working directory if no default save path is provided.
- The mini plot range bars in all interfaces now automatically update when a file is loaded.
- In the I(Q, t) Fit interface, checking the plot guess check box now correctly adds and removes the curve from the plot
- In the BayesQuasi interface ResNorm files are now automatically loaded from file locations when entered.
- LoadVesuvio now correctly parses input in the form 10-20,30-40,50-60
- The ApplyPaalmanPings interface no longer crashes when attempting to preview different spectra when shift option is checked but the algorithm has not been run
- The ContainerSubtraction Interface should no longer crash when changing preview spectra in the miniplot
- Using the Spectra option in S(Q,w) interface now works correctly
- IqtFitSequential and IqtFitMultiple now correctly add sample logs to their output workspaces
- It is now possible to properly update the Rebinning option in the ISISCalibration interface in Indirect Data Reduction
- The Plot Output options in the I(Q, t) Fit interface now update properly when switching between Fit Types
- The Data Reduction ISIS Calibration interface should now update the range bars correctly for OSIRIS
Full list of changes on GitHub