Table of Contents
# The two methods
# Have been replaced by
, this was done by directing SNSDataSearch
and ORNLDataSearch
to both use ONCAT.FileFinder
and algorithms such as Load will then accept inputs such as “HB2C_143210
is now overridden by the fully-qualified path starting \\\inst$
on Windows machines. This makes accessing the archive more reliable over the VPN./archive
in your
appended by the corresponding default parameter names (which are used by MergeRuns).MultiplyBySpectra
, which controls whether or not the output spectra are multiplied by the number of bins. This property should be set to False
for summing spectra as PDFgetN does.PreserveEvents=True
now produces workspaces that have bin boundaries which encompass the total x-range (TOF) for all events across all spectra if the data was not binned during the process step.WorkspaceToRebin
and WorkspaceToMatch
already have the same binning. Added support for ragged workspaces.MaskWorkspace
). If the sample shape is a cylinder it will use the specialized code for rasterizing it.ChemicalFormula
or AtomicNumber
. In this case, all cross sections and SampleNumberDensity
have to be given.Workspace2D
as the InputWorkspace
not being cloned to the OutputWorkspace
. Added support for ragged workspaces.std::bad_cast
error in LoadLiveData v1 when the data size changes.MaskWorkspace
checks whether a workspace has an oriented lattice object attached.mantid.geometry.ComponentInfo
is exposed to allow the user to access geometric information about the components which are part of a beamline. Iterator support is also provided via python.mantid.geometry.DetectorInfo
offers the user the ability to access geometric information about the detector(s) which are part of a beamline. DetectorInfo
has also been given a python iterator.mantid.api.SpectrumInfo
allows the user to access information about the spectra being used in a beamline. SpectrumInfo
has also been given an iterator to allow users to write more Pythonic loops rather than normal index based loops. In addition to this SpectrumDefinition
objects can also be accessed via a mantid.api.SpectrumInfo
object. The SpectrumDefinition
object can be used to obtain information about the spectrum to detector mapping and provides a definition of what a spectrum comprises, i.e. indices of all detectors that contribute to the data stored in the spectrum.Temperature
which has units of Kelvin.mantid
no longer initializes the FrameworkManager
. This allows separate classes to be imported without requiring a long delay in waiting for the framework to start. Amongst other things this allows the application name to be set correctly:from mantid import FrameworkManager, UsageService
now optionally accepts a list of file extensions to search, called exts
, and a boolean flag useExtsOnly
. If this flag is True, FileFinder will search for the passed in extensions ONLY. If it is False, it will search for passed in extensions and then facility extensions.mantid.kernel.Material
have been changed to match the equations in Sears, Varley F. “Neutron scattering lengths and cross sections.” Neutron News 3.3 (1992): 26-37function.setConstraintPenaltyFactor("parameterName", double)
now handles unicode in python2.mantid.api.ITableWorkspace.columnTypes()
now returns human readable strings for non-primitive column types.mantid.kernel.MaterialBuilder
without setting a formula or atomic number. In this case, all cross sections and number density have to be given.mantid.kernel.MaterialBuilder
now supports number densities in formula units per cubic Ångström.